Magic wand

I’ve recently purchased the Lovehoney Extra Powerful Multispeed Mains Powered Magic Wand Vibrator one for my partner.
As a toy that we can both enjoy together what I was wondering is are they as good as they are cracked up to be and is it a satisfying toy


Personally i find the wand to be a bit numbing after a few minutes so not as enjoyable for me but that said little and often and its a good toy :grinning:


I have that wand and used to love it, until I took a break from toys for a few years and then it was too buzzy and it hurt.
Now that I’ve experienced rumbly vibes, I much prefer them to the buzz.
If you want a wand that will exorcise the orgasm out of your partner if they have a clit, then the wand you bought will do that.

I don’t know if it was my body that changed or if I just didn’t know other toys had a different kind of vibe, but toys that take me to orgasm in 10 secs are not what I want when I’m masturbating. But during penetration is a totally different need, I don’t want a wand that takes a while, it gets in the way!

I hope you got it on the offer!

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Just purchased thr mantric rechargeable
Looking forward to all over massage experiences for both of us

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Me too hope to try it out this weekend with the OH

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We have the mantric wand it’s probably one of my OH favourite toys we have. However we never have used it for and all over massages as we have a massage gun that!!