Male Pubic piercing

Hi Everyone, I am thinking of getting a pubic piercing, this is a bar between the shaft of the penis and pubic bone. Dose anyone have any experience of this?

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You are a brave man - I’m a woman but cannot imagine the pain you would get and what if they get it wrong……

Personally don’t do it … :face_vomiting:

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I have a few other genital piercings and they feel great.

I can’t work out which piercing you’re on about though. Would the piercing be in the top of bottom, end or base of the shaft?

Don’t have any experience with any pubic piercings but I’d imagine that would feel great for you OH during PIV.

I dont get women having their lower regions done but they do say it enhaces sexuall pleasure

Don’t do it

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Im guessing its a banana shaped bar so theres a ball on the shaft and one near the pubic bone?

Minimal pain, all very quick and simple.
A big issue depending on your body is that it can easily grow out as it is just a skin piercing and your body might decide it doesn’t like it even if you do.

Base of the shaft

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No it’s horizontal on the pubic bone


Thanks for all the comments

It certainly does enhance my pleasure. I have a clitoral hood ring and it stimulates my clit when I wear tight thongs or my husband plays with it. :sunglasses:


Perhaps i should get it done

It’s purely cosmetic for me although it my bring mrs w some extra pleasure

I have a chunky PA ring

Not sure about the pubic piercing, I have seen them but no experience with them. My hubby does have a PA piercing (2 gauge) that I can definitely recommend if that was of interest.

Have you had your tongue done - if you are to do it for her pleasure- get your tongue done first - personally I would never have the nerve to get it done to my manhood :thinking:

If it’s the one I’m imagining then Guess it’s just like any other piercing, hurts a little and then is ok and make sure to keep it clean.

Nooooo !!! Don’t do it… why would you want to.?
Like the curtain ring through the head of penis… I mean WTF !!!

That is the Prince Albert not the pubic.
The pubic piercing is at the top of the shaft (not even on the shaft but in the crease). Very simple, very quick and if you don’t like it it is simple to take out and will all heal and vanish.