Male sex toy advice

Hi I’m interested in looking at a blowjob toy any recommendations thanks


Some of the best ones to choose from would be the Fleshlights or if your aiming for a more interactive experience then there are some masturbators that vibrate or have self stroking motion.

The Tenga ones are really good or you could try Lovehoneys Hot Shot

As above, Fleshlight has got to be the default first choice, expensive compared to others but worth it in my opinion. Some of the LH Thrust ones are also good at a lower budget and tend to be a bit smaller so easier to hide away when not in use. If you wanted something more techy and aren’t hung too large the warming LH toy is good:

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I got the Fleshlight Flight a few years ago, and must admit I don’t use it too often, but always really enjoy it when I do. The feelings are great, but it’s worth keeping in mind that if you introduce toys you need to make time at the end for extra clean up too!

But the flight is a great introduction and at the friendlier end of the price range too :+1:

The best toy I have is below:

Highly recommended!

I like this item from LH blowmotion rechargeable male mastubator and have reviewed it