Male sexy dress up/role play - advice and help?

I have just bought the Love honey sexy seaman costume for a surprise for my wife. This is the first time I’ve bought anything like this. Does anyone have any advice how I should go about surprising my mrs? Any advice how to get into the role? I love the thought of role play but not sure how to go about it :man_facepalming:t2::smiling_imp: Thanks


Looks great, brave decision :grin:
Put it on under some joggers and a T
Got a surprise for you hun, close your eyes and count to 20


Put on a long (cheap) t-shirt and then rip it off to show what’s underneath.

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Thanks @Melody1 haha. Love the thought of role play and couldn’t help myself ordering it! Not a bad idea of covering up and then unleashing the surprise haha :joy: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

That’s a good idea @njp :muscle:t3: Never crossed my mind to do the whole strip tease thing for her!! :smiling_imp::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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@danlad looks great.

Has been mentioned several times on the forum, don’t be surprised if your OH laughs.

If she does don’t be offended, it’s a normal knee jerk reaction if caught by surprise.

Let us know how it goes!!


Yes I am quite expecting her to laugh when she first sees me :rofl: Then hopefully ripping the costume off me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::smiling_imp: This is the first time we will be doing any type of role play so hopefully I will be doing so more shopping on love honey to add to our role play collection!! Thanks @Mrs.John

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If you can make a girl laugh, you’re half way there :grin:


@danlad welcome @Melody1 ain’t that the truth!?

Hope you are having a fun evening my lovely x


Yes you are right there @Melody1 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Fingers crossed she enjoys it!!

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Outfit has arrived this morning!! Thank you so much Lovehoney, fantastic efficient and discreet delivery. Now when do I wear it for the mrs?? :smiling_imp::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hope you have fun whenever you decide to wear it, your wife will love it . My oh has the policeman outfit but think my next purchase for him will be the seaman outfit it looks a very sexy outfit.


Thanks I actually can’t wait to wear it for her. May have sneakily tried it on this afternoon!!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::anchor: Yes it was a toss up between the policeman and the seaman outfit. Seaman won!! Looking at the outfit today it looks very well made. Only time will tell I suppose!

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I don’t blame you for trying it on I’m the same when I have an order delivered. Yes the outfits are of good quality and should last a while especially as they don’t stay on for that long :wink:

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Toss up…seaman…snigger snigger…:grin:


Haha couldn’t help myself when the delivery driver dropped it off today! Yes your right, hopefully they won’t be on for too long :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Haha, yes!

Thays why I would suggest introducing it by: waiting until she’s out, working or relaxing in the bath - then send her a picture of you in the outfit.
This could initiate some sexy testing before she is able to get to you and rip it off :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
It gives her a chance to get over that initial laugh of seeing something so uniquely sexy, and will bring her some excitement about what she may like to do with you.


I love to dress up and regularly put on outfits. I’ve uploaded a few photos here and it’s makes me feel super sexy.
What I love to do is send the missus photos as little teasers throughout the day and then put it on in the evening and surprise her.

If you can incorporate the outfit into role play it’s even better. Get her to have a look at the outfits and see if there are any she loves and perhaps surprise her with it.


Yes! Love the idea of sending her some pictures! Thanks @Cupc8kes

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Thanks for the advice @KentCouple1990 I would never have thought about sending her pictures but someone else has also mentioned it above and it’s something I am definitely going to do!! Thanks :blush:

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