Male toy advice

Hi you amazing people :smiley:

I’m after thoughts/advice on male sex toys, I’ve never owned one & being the last time I had any sex with my wife was in April :disappointed: (there’s no signs of any) I think it might be time to treat myself​:smiley: I don’t want anything anal never tried it & I don’t want to, just don’t think it’s for me​:+1:t2:
Thanks x


Hi @FD1, take it not approaching subject with partner on lack of intimacy and how maybe impacting on you is out the window ?

Male sex toys are great and it all depends on what you want. I’ve put couple below which we own and can recommend.

This one is to stimulate similar to blow job and can recommend.

If you want something that’s similar to PIV or toy you can have variety in then fleshlight and there are so many versions including LH own branded ones.

And plenty of sleeves / quick shot type masturbaters, like the below.

All good and just depends what your after.

LH site is great to see the variety and the reviews help you decide :+1::star_struck:


Hi, I’ve no advice on toys but I remember someone saying that there was a fleshlight that had a suction base so you could still thrust and make it feel more realistic.
Sorry for what you’re experiencing, its not a good feeling and I fully expect that the reason is nothing personal to you. Make sure to have some self care to keep you feeling good, baths, moisturise/oil (I like oil so I can have a feel while my hands glide over my skin) and give yourself some great orgasms.
Don’t hide it though, doesn’t need to be in her face either mind but go to your bedroom and enjoy yourself and if she hears then she does.

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Oh dude. Im sorry to hear that. I hope it gets better for you. :hugs:

The guys on here swear by fleshlights.
There are a ton of them so hopefully someone will make some recommendations. But the quickshot and flight pilot got recommended a lot

Tenga also make toys that people speak highly of. You have to be a tad careful what you pick as there are alot of one use option in their range (onacups are one use) but there are some affordable reusable options in there if you dont want to go for a flip. This one is popular with the guys

Another option is getting a good quality masturbation cream (you cant mix this with a toy though as theyre usually oil based)

And lastly. If youve got a wand (or want to get a wand) there are some nice heads for penis’s that get recommended repeatedly.

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Sorry to hear your in a sexless relationship at the moment but definitely treat your self to a toy. Me and my partner do have sex but he also like his toys for masturbation. So even if things do change in your relationship then you could still have plenty of use out of your purchase.
My OH loves this toy the best. Plus it’s on sale


Go for a wand, and you might be able to entice your wife to join the fun


Haven’t got any advise on male sex toys @FD1

But just wanted you to know I understand how frustrating it is and the impact it has…and although it doesn’t make your situation any better…there are more couples out there than you think living in a similar situation.

I really hope it improves for you very soon and in the meantime hopefully lots of great advice on toys for you to follow my post as the ones above it…read up on the reviews…treat yourself and have fun…it’s not the same but sure keeps the sheer frustration at bay.



Hi, We have sat down countless times & spoke about it, I’ve let her know how it makes me feel & she always says the same thing.
It’s not even that anymore she shows no affection at all, kiss,cuddle nothing! It’s like living as friends​:disappointed:

There comes a point when you just have to realise that no amount of discussing the situation, nothing is ever going to change!

Thank you for your help though.

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The fleshlights are a very good starting point, as posted above, they really are good to use. They feel good are easy to clean and are reasonably priced.


Maybe consider getting a fleshlight or a stroker that you can use in the bath?

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I think I could probably make do without sex but I couldn’t cope with no intimacy or affection. I’d have to seriously consider whether the relationship was right for me.
Hopefully you both can work it out.

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So I’m following this post for a similar but slightly different reason.
My marriage is currently in the same position because my wife is working through some issues that had been left unresolved and so this is giving me chance to further explore my self pleasure.
So I started with a pocket pussy on here that wasn’t expensive and was a surprising hit but can be messy with cleaning and using renewing powder.
I then moved on to a thrust trainer which was similar but had a hole to increase pressure/suction which was a bit more interesting but has the same maintenance with it.
My latest purchase was a lovense Max 2 that isn’t cheap but totally worth it. It taught me about orgasm through vibration alone and can have so many customised patterns to keep it fresh that it can fight boredom for a long time and can even link to Spotify to sync with songs and doesn’t need a renewal powder to keep it in good condition.
Maybe explore a stroker and see how that feels? Also, liquid silk lube is a MASSIVE game changer for me so definitely recommend that


I love this thought out reply :clap:t2:

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