Massage hot rocks

The OH and I both enjoy giving each other long sensual oily full body massages and are thinking about ordering some of the LH Massage hot rocks with our next order. Does anyone have them/used them and do they add much extra to a massage? If you’ve used them any tips or tricks to get the most out of them would be great.

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We got some a while back and for the price they’re really good, definitely worth getting if you’re into massage. the heat from the stones she said was lovely and helped with back pain she gets.


I also have them and really like them. I heat them in a pan but i would suggest having a thermometer as you need to keep a close eye on the temperature. First time using we just put them in for a set time and they got very hot.

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We’ve got them and they are good, while they are at the right temperature, which doesn’t last that long.

Our advice would be to have a bowl of hot water next to the bed and rotate them, so while you are using half of the rocks the rest are staying hot. When the ones in use have cooled down, swap them over.



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