Melt down - toys melting?!

My husband and I decided to clean and sort through our under bed drawer last night (aka the sexy storage area) and during our efforts discovered at least ten toys that had actually melted.
Visually they look like they have been melted by heat but that’s not the case. They were stored close to each other and have somehow had some sort of reaction and are now a melted disgusting mess.

We binned so much stuff due to this issue. Some metal toys had actually gone rusty (including a cage) and I was alarmed how much money has been wasted and lost.

We’ve at least downsized our collection but still, it’s worth noting that toys cannot be stored close to each other or next to a bottle of lube.

Certain types of plastics and silicone react with each other if they’re stored in contact.

The best thing to do is to store them in individual polythene bags.


Well we’ve not much left following the incident. I’m not sure whether we will replace things as it would cost a fortune so we will just keep the little amount we have left.

After a similar experience I only buy silicone toys and everything is stored in its own box.

I do think that there should be a clickable link throughout the toys listings for ‘How to store your sex toys’ because you don’t know until you’re told that keeping them together could ruin them. Or when you find out the messy and expensive way.

Get on the tester pages to try and replace them!


To be honest it was good to have a bloody good clear out. The drawer is a lot easier to find things in now and other than my beloved rabbit (rip beautiful bunny) I’m not all that bothered by the things that melted .

We lost a LOT though and in future I’ll be sure to stick to solid materials that aren’t jelly like or likely to break down.

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It’s crap when this happens.

This is why I give toys an extra mark when reviewing, if they come with a storage bag

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I am sorry to hear about this problem and was not aware of this. Thanks for making me aware of the issue of storing things together.

I’ve had this problem a couple times. The first time was a number of years ago with a Vibrator that had a very unique texture. At this time our lube of choice was vaseline. I assumed that the melting was caused by the Oil Based Lube and like yourself we threw out the affected toy.

More recently, a basically brand new latex Anal Trainer toy stored with other Latex toys, had a Melted look on one side of it. It was only ever used with Water Based Lubricants, so I can only assume it didn’t react well to the other latex toys it was stored with. This toy was promptly thrown out.

It sucks when this happens, as some of the toys we purchase are not cheap, but I’m learning to keep toys stored separately in their original packaging when ever possible.

Glad to see I’m not the only one that has had this strange experience.