Men that shoot cum

If I was to guess mine would be between 5 and 6 feet

Damn!!! Yeah I think I was way off with my guess :rofl::rofl:

Again all depends on build up for me

When I lie down, I can shoot on my face!


It can be on his stomach or chest if he is laid down wanking.

Hubbys doesn’t go very far at all, if lying down I stays on his stomach, as did my last bf. My first bf though, used to shoot up to top of his chest/ shoulders

Sometimes my boyfriend will shoot, sometimes it just seems to run out of him into a puddle and sometimes hardly anything comes out. It just seems to be how horny he has been getting, how long the build up is and how long it has been since he last came. We usually see each other at weekend and he says he usually tries not to wank for a few days before this.

Do your kegels guys, men have a pelvic floor too!


Honestly not sure if a lot of people or many already know but the cum pornstars use in the shoot is actually just fake. In reality yes its possible cause a man can fire a heavy load depending on how much semen they kept stored in their testicles. cough No Nut November

@legohalo135 Yes that is true, they use a pump that makes it look like they are ejaculating over a distance.

Yes a Man can shoot cum naturally, it does vary dependent on abstinence, edging ect.

I think we all know what we see in porn isn’t real life kind of thing​:slightly_smiling_face: that’s why I only like amateur only porn.

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I think there’s a bit more to it than just some guys do and some guys don’t. The main factor has got to be the build up tho for the distance/power and I feel like if it’s been a while since I last cum there will be a lot more of it!

Not sure if this does make any difference but I find putting little bit of pressure on the main channel underneath ads a bit more power like putting your thumb over the end of a hose :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat: not sure if that is true or just me :yum::thinking:

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If my partner plays with me I shoot but If I play solo it dribbles

Bit of an odd one… my wife and I have noticed that I tend to "shoot " cum whilst we have some gentleman friends that it sort of dribbles out when they cum? So I guess tmy question is how do you or your partner cum?

My OH always shoots :rofl: He tries to make it on me for easier clean-up, but sometimes it shoots past :rofl:


At the present time it would be nice to come at all !! I have struggled for some time with ED and now finding cumming very difficult.

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I think mine has more to do with hydration. The less alcohol I drink and the more water instead will change the consistancy as well as the aroma and flavor apparently. If I have been abstinent for a time, the aroma has more of a “bleach” aroma, especially if over the course of a few days I have been aroused but yet to orgasm.
I came on my wife’s chest the other night and then once it was her turn, I started some oral nipple play. I don’t often taste my own, however, I was really surprised at the difference between how it smelled and how it tasted, the latter being quite impressive.
This topic is likely straying into a different string, but there are a few factors on the behavior when it emerges in my case:

  1. Time since last orgasm
  2. Edging (as noted previously) sometimes over a span of hours and overall excitement
  3. Hydration
  4. Intake of alcohol
  5. The actual act at the time of orgasm, perhaps done by myself or when the OH takes me over the edge
  6. And finally whether the sexual act is visual in nature. We tend to have alot of sex in the dark, however, I am a more visual person and it seems that if my visual senses are engaged, I tend to have more pressure.

Just my more than “two” cents…lol

I cum like this :confounded:


It varies here depending on time since we last had sex. He does shoot though and it has been known to hit pillows or get in my hair … lol


If I haven’t cum in a few days I always shoot.