Men wearing sexy lingerie?

Good point, Naughty Mum! I've never had trouble shaving my legs though I know many men do. In fact, I epilate now as Mrs. P. isn't keen on the stubble after shaving. Nearly 10 years down the raod and several epilators in the bin, it hardly grows at all any more.

The very first time I shaved my legs and most of my body was for a fancy dress party, and I remember thinking 'this is a lot slower and harder than it looked in Tootsie'. However, I don't think it's ever grown back fully since then as I loved being hairless and don't give a wet slap what anybody else thinks.

I went to town that time and put on a good show. I could have had any of the women at that party! It took weeks to learn to walk in 4" heels but it was well worth it, especially as I ended up ferrying people home as I hadn't been drinking.

I don't think its weird in any way, there's nothing wrong with a confidence boost from wearing something that makes you feel sexy... I have some fab lace boy shorts that i know would love amazing on my oh, better than on me. If you're comfortable go for it i say