Why does all the mens underwear only seem to be fetish or gay?
illumine wrote:
probably because normal underwear for men is soooooooooooo boring! besides cotton, what else is there? women can have satin, lace, so many different cuts, pvc, latex, leather. perhaps you dont like the style and percieve it as gay but that does not necessarily mean it is for gay people only
Agreed - any male underwear made of anything other than cotton is often perceived as a bit camp. Maybe it's your perception of it being a bit camp. Consider what kind of sexy underwear for men you'd like to see that isn't camp or fetish style? Lh aren't an underwear shop so they only stock things are a bit different and as illumine said, often a bit different for men is perceived a particular way underwear wise!
Don't quite understand what makes particular underwear gay (though all male underwear does of course spend an indecent amount of time in contact with cocks). What kind of styles would you like (should head over to the pander to me thread and make some suggestions)? I mean if you want something that isn't PVC, jockstrap, lacy, thong or overly exposing then you can always head down to M&S :) !
the whole lace thing i guess
I'd love to see my man In lace Underwear Its one of my favourite materials
its very comphy too. not got any myself but have worn some the wifes lace panties. n it feels good.
i suppose it does seem a bit unfair when you compare the range of items for men and women (not just here but in genral, not that i can think of many different options other than boxers, briefs or Y-fronts and different colours and % of cotton to elastic/ spandex.
i suppose a selection of showmans pants might be quite nice. the pushup or particuly tight ones that show of a nice buldge i think are verry sexy whils conforming to the typical hetrosexual male look.
i suppose men are more utilitarian with their clothes is the thing. they are less likely to look for specal bedroom underwear like us women do so they are going to look at a underwear and if they think it will look strange when they are changing or whatever they wont buy it.
this is what i guess anyway. im sure nat all men are like this but, marketing is based on a majority.
to add to rag doll, from the women i know they prefer plain boxers etc. i must know boring women. but i would go for push up bulgy ones. which lh do have.
rag doll wrote:
i suppose it does seem a bit unfair ...
sorry, just relooked at my post. my typing was all over the plase there *akward face* sorry if that made no sence.
agreed Smoothballs82, i know i definately prefer plain boxers on my partner. suppose thats just what im useto on him though.
love it when he wears tighter ones though as its just so tempting when i can see the shape but not actualy see anything.
it is true that the basic ones do look better
apparently so
I tested a pair of these http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=22975 a little while ago and they were really good! I also think that msot 'sexy' male underwear is a bit on the camp side, I'd feel like a bad comedy act wearing most of it, but these were just enough to be sexy without looking like a rubbish male stripper...
yup, natural with out being camp weird. n with nb's noticable natural buldge. would look even bigger. dammit. he doesnt need any help in that department!