Mindblowing orgams... literally!

Okay so I thought I would tell you guys about the last few days for me, as i'm bored out of my mind and I think you should find it interesting!

Having sex, sunday lunchtime (as you do) I was reaching climax (woop) when I suddenly felt a really intense pain in my head.

Now this head pain made me get off my partner (*sad-face*) and lie down, after sleeping I was still experiencing the pain but it was less severe.

The next day I was feeling better and we went at it again, this time he was perfoming oral sex, and just as I was about to orgasm BAM the pain hit again.

When I was still feeling the pain the next day I decided to visit the doctors. Now there are two main causes for this kind of pain, one is just a common head pain that some people get when they orgasm it can be treated with drugs or abstinence (Lammmme). The other could be caused by an interal bleed in the brain (uh oh!).

To make a long story slightly shorter. 30 hours later after my doctors appointment I'm sitting in a hospital bed after a blood test, CT scan last night and a Lumbar puncture (owwwiee) which I had a few hours ago.

Waiting on the test results (fingers crossed). But seriously!? Who knew orgams could be so painful, I really didn't expect to be in a hospital bed for two days!

Let's just hope I'm in good health and can continue having excellent pain free orgasms, without fucking my brains out ;)!

Also sorry for the typos! I'm on my mobile phone :)

Thats awful, I am sure they will find the cause soon with all those tests. x