
Does anyone have this bullet, or any others from this new range?

We would like to know please, if it is similar in feel to the Tracey Cox purple supersex or if it is a bit harder like the mantric set.
Thank you so much for all help and advise. X

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I have that one. It’s the same as the Mantric


Thank you so much for your reply. X

Ooo I might have to check this new range out myself :grin:

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I was gonna say, it looks exactly the same as the mantric bullet minus thw LED light show.

@Honey-Bear having both the Mantric and purple Tracey Cox supersex bullets, the Tracey Cox is the great winner in our house - that said, my wife prefers vibes on the milder side.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to reply.

We have both the Tracey Cox and Mantric Bullets. I love the shape of the Mantric and that it is more of a rumble, but I really like the soft feel of Tracey Cox and the way it moulds its self to my body.

What I was really hoping for was the Mon Ami to be a combination of both Tracey Cox and Mantric.


We’re really interested in Mon-Ami toys but are yet to try them, we’ve been massive fans of anything mantric for a while. They do seem to take a leaf out of Mantric book and we’d be interested to see how they compare. Any one have both if so which cum out on top (sorry about the pun) :joy:

You might want to consider the tracey cox purple peble?
Very different shape, but packs more punch than the bullet and perhaps not exactly as squishy.

The shape is very different though.

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I have both bullets. The speeds are identical but there is a small amount of variation in the patterns.

The only real difference (other than the light panel and the colour) is that the Mantric has a travel lock and turns on by 2 single presses, whereas the Mon Ami turns on by pressing and holding.


I don’t have the bullet, I really don’t get the appeal of bullets! From the Mon Ami range I have the wearable couples massager and the the lilac suction stimulator.

We have the whole Tracey Cox purple set wand, bullet, pebble, g spot and rabbit, really love how they feel We also have the mantric pebble, bullet and realistic, love that mantric rumble.
Perfection for me would be the feel of Tracey Cox with the rumble of Mantric. Was really hoping that’s what the Mon Ami was like. X

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Please can you tell me. Is the Mon Ami bullet as hard as the mantric? Eg if you had your eyes closed can you tell the difference?

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I think the squishy silicon does dampen some of the vibrations, which works to my wife’s advantage as she prefer all the purple squishy tracey cox toys we have to theatric equivalents.

Im convinced both mantric and squishy tracey cox use the same motors, the bullets have the same switching, patterns in same order, and so on, both lovehoney brands too. I think the difference resides in the squishy silicon layer. It really makes quite a difference in feel of the toy itself and the feel of the vibrations.

I’ve just closed my eyes and with both in my hand, can’t tell which is which or feel any difference between them


I have the Mantric Rabbit and the Mon Ami Rabbit and my review is basically a direct comparison of the two because they initially seemed so similar. They are not and for me the Mantric very much “cums” out on top. Both the Mon Ami and Mantric have great vibes and the Mon Ami has a much better control system having three buttons but the G-spot arm is narrower and has no flex in it in comparison to the Mantric which makes using it focussed both on my G-spot and clit impossible for me. I will post photos this weekend showing what I mean which will hopefully be approved on Monday and add them to my review. Very disappointing as the vibes are really good. The other reviews are all more positive than mine though so it must work for some.


Thank you so much for answering my question, really kind of you. X

Thank you very much for your reply. Really helpful review.
We don’t have the mantric rabbit yet, it’s on my wish list. I thought Mon Ami rabbit looks similar to Tracey Cox purple one, which we do have.

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