Does anyone else get incredibly horny right before your time of the month..
Normally I don't infact idea repulses me but this time I woke so horny couldn't wait to have some
"Me time" then about 5hours later monthlys came ...
Does anyone else get incredibly horny right before your time of the month..
Normally I don't infact idea repulses me but this time I woke so horny couldn't wait to have some
"Me time" then about 5hours later monthlys came ...
My Mrs always gets extra horny around that time!
Yup I'm the same! Though I've a high sex drive anyway... It does get higher before I come on x
As stated normally I dont really have this but this time did, was wondering if anyone loke me who normally isnt like this before has experience this sudden turn around, by not physically changing anything I.e sex patterns or drugs?