Morning sex and stubble burn owww!

Anyone got any tips on how to reduce stubble burn?

I've started seeing someone new, and he's the kind of guy who needs to shave twice a day to stay smooth on his face. I have been getting a bit of a red chin, but I spent the night for the first time last night and during morning making out/ sex as he hadn't shaved yet I've actually got a couple of layers of skin missing and its stinging :( it looks like when you get a burn and the blister comes off leaving the red skin underneath. I've never had this problem to this extent. Do I just have to ban the morning kissing till after he's shaved? There's an old wives tale it toughens up your skin if you soak it in pee but I don't think I want to soak my chin in pee.

I suggested he might want a beard (so the hair is long enough to be soft) but he didn't look to impressed at that idea. He was however, very sorry he has "broken me" lol

Any thoughts appreciated :D

i get sores from my o/h occasionally as he has a goatee beard. Hmm .. yes i agree, he can grow it longer it then softens.. its great when they give oral though, i have to add!! Best you can do is ask if he can shave prior to seeing you if possible. I sympathise as i know what its like!!

My boyfriend uses this face scrub that is also meant to soften stubble :) its in the boots botanical range I think

x x x

Just wanted to bump this thread as I'm having the same problem. His stubble is like little razors and my chin is very very sore.

Like OP he's the kinda guy who needs to shave twice a day to stay smooth and it's ouchie!!

Also, he's quite a firm kisser which I quite like but my poor chin is really paying the price for it. Is it too early to talk to him about his technique?! We've only been on 5 dates and I'm worried it's a little early to start criticising him! x

I tend to find using a really gentle moisturiser before you see him (and the tonsilhockey commences) and afterwards helps a lot, even if it's just soothing the bits he's helpfully exfoliated for you.

Maybe, if you feel the kisses getting a bit abrasive, you can take control and back off from the kissing? I don't mean shoving him away or anything, but maybe turn the kisses a bit more tease-y and softer, going into kiss him then cutting it short? It'll seem playful and sexy, but also saves your chin from getting sandblasted.

I think I have sensitive skin anyway but this is just ridiculous! I've never had anything like this before and I've kissed plenty of guys with stubble. My chin has started to scab and blister and it's really sore. I've whacked some savlon on it because it needs antiseptic healing more than moisturising!

Thanks, I'll try the kissing technique next time :) x

If I shave fully I get a terrible itchy rash, therefore I am always 5am stubble and yea I guess its pretty itchy to be fair, my ex would sometimes complain about it during oral but I can't help it really

A small beard is better than getting your chin cut to pieces by stubble! I'm afraid the only solution I have found is to minimise kissing on the morning and always send him for a shave on an evening before we start snogging. I used savlon for my chin too. I used sudacream and that was a bad idea, it just dried it out and made it worse. Also started moisturising more.

I don't mind itchy, my chin actually scabs and bleeds from the stubble if I don't stop in time, especially if I've had a couple of drinks I might not notice till afterwards how bad my chin hurts if he hasn't shaved since the morning. Need self control to either send him for a shave or to kiss with your head tilted so your chin doesn't come in to contact with stubble.

I wouldn't mind itchy... my chin looks like I've come off worse in an incident with a cheese grater. I've got no skin left!!!! :( sulk sulk sulk x

I hate having stubble. If anyone ever develops a pill form men that stops them needing to shave they'd make a bloomin fortune haha

Gym Man wrote:

I hate having stubble. If anyone ever develops a pill form men that stops them needing to shave they'd make a bloomin fortune haha

I've actually considered laser..honestly I've tried everything to shave properly, everything, all different techniques, razors, creams, lotions, moisturisers..nothing works, always a bad bad rash

Gym Man wrote:

I hate having stubble. If anyone ever develops a pill form men that stops them needing to shave they'd make a bloomin fortune haha

They should make one that means girls don't have to shave their legs too. I'd definitely buy it!

Hrmph my chin is mega yuck today, it's all scabby. Hoping it's recovered for when I see him in a few days time! x

I like having a 2 day old stubble, but my wife orders me to shave beforehand as she finds it very uncomfortable.

On the plus side I know when she's feeling randy!