Movie titles

Just for a laugh

What tv show or movie title best describes your sex life! And why

Mines is - fast and furious

Because I hate slow sex, I like it fast hard and rough

The Lone Ranger


He's Just Not That Into You

i guess because he's just not that into me lol

Funniest porn title for me is "shaving ryans privates" brilliant! :-D

We spent the whole night giggling and thinking of good movie titles last night after this thread went up! Our favourites were, The Black Hole, Insidious and our number one was Planet Terror.

Had to try really hard not to wake our house mate we were laughing so much!

the barrens

titanic <img src="" />

Big gee toy story would suit me too

Heavens poison be really should be into you

S&s black hole.... Not sure which hole your talking about lol

Quote from killerbunny "titanic"
Is that because your full of sea men ns go down all the way? ;)

brockleyfox wrote:

Quote from killerbunny "titanic"
Is that because your full of sea men ns go down all the way? ;)

LOL can't stop laughing at this!!!


killerbunny wrote:


brilliant haha!!!

Mine would be Wanted!