Moving on...

... but not too far!

I've packed up all my belongings and moved upstairs to start a new job here at Lovehoney.

I'll still be checking in regularly but Lovehoney - Jess will now be your go-to gal for all things forum-related.

Exciting times :-)

Good luck Alice...and Jess

Best wishes Alice and welcome Jess x

Oh that's good to know =)

Moving upstairs - how exciting! =)

Good luck both of you with your new positions x

Good luck to both of you :) x

Does Jess do double entendres?....Alice posted some side splitters

noooooooooooooooooooo alice!! we shall all miss you :'(

good luck miss alice

Good luck Alice! And welcome Jess. x

Good luck Alice! Wish you all the best!

Congrats Alice. We'll miss you but yay for you.

Welcome Jess.

Good luck to you both.

Ooh good luck to you both!

Congratulations Alice, we will all miss you here in the forum! Spare us a thought when you can smiley Hope you like your new department!

And welcome Jess!

Thanks everyone!

It's going to be a tricky gap to fill, but I'm sure I'll have you all buzzing in no time! ;)

There are certainly some exciting changes happening here at LH HQ so here's to moving onwards and upwards! (and downwards, and upwards, and down, and up and down and....)

Hope everyone's having a fabulous Friday!

Lovehoney - Jess wrote:

Thanks everyone!

It's going to be a tricky gap to fill, but I'm sure I'll have you all buzzing in no time! ;)

There are certainly some exciting changes happening here at LH HQ so here's to moving onwards and upwards! (and downwards, and upwards, and down, and up and down and....)

Hope everyone's having a fabulous Friday!

certainly will, driving home today arrive tomorrow. have a great weekend

Don't do that Alice! I thought you were leaving then.

Another plus note, think of the calorie burn walking up and down them stairs. May qualify you to a extra drink or chocolate a week .

Wow im thinking like a woman :P

Alice good luck in the new role

Jess, welcome to the forums and I see you have already started to make your mark


Lovehoney - Alice wrote:

... but not too far!

I've packed up all my belongings and moved upstairs to start a new job here at Lovehoney.

I'll still be checking in regularly but will now be your go-to gal for all things forum-related.

Exciting times :-)

Best Wishes Alice & Jess with your new roles within LH.