Hi, so I can have 3 or 4 orgasms when I masturbate clitorally with no penetration, when I have sex with my husband i get a lot of pleasure but once I’ve had one orgasm I can’t have another, it just doesn’t happen. I’d really love to have more. Any tips? Thanks
Grab your toy and use during your play with your hubby that’s what we do and my wife has 4/5
You could try getting a few foreplay orgasms in first before moving to penetration?
I agree with @Ian_Chimp’s suggestion. I find the best way to achieve multiple orgasms is to have some through foreplay with my final orgasm during sex (or sometimes I’m so satisfied I don’t bother with one during sex and enjoy watching my husband climax instead!)
I’m confused here I think…
Please clarify regarding orgasms that are not clit related. How do you as ladies achieve 4-5 orgams without clitoral stimulation? Is it through toys, oral, fingering, etc.?
What kind of foreplay allows you to cum repeatedly and have I been living under a rock my entire life? It’s been interesting following this forum as I always feel i have been missing the boat. Like a meal, have I been rushing through just to simply have dessert when I have actually missed 22 years of giving my wife multiple orgasms every session? Am I an idiot?
One of my previous discussions I spoke about lube and how sore my wife gets. This insight is a game changer if I have been having sex incorrectly my entire life! WTF? MIND BLOWN!
And I want intricate details… like erotica reading details!
@valbowski77 Ok, where to start with that one. Not everyone can have multiple orgasms, we’re just all wired differently im afraid and its not in the cards for some of us.
But there are many types of orgasm and they can be experienced independently of each other so if you overload one primary erogenous zone sometimes trying another is a good idea.
So essentially all these different spots can generate their own orgasms (hypothetically, again we’re all wired differently so sensitivity is going to vary from person to person).
Personally ive managed clit, anal, A spot, blended (where you stimulate two of these spots simultaneously) and nipple orgasms. Im still struggling to have a g spot orgasm (my own personal quirk). There are other options, like cervical for example. The list is quite long.
G spotting is usually the easiest to try. You can use fingers or a decent g spot vibe. Certain dildos are also excellent for this as well (the pure wand is the famous one).
(Not sure how much of a guide your after but theres a whole g spotting thread somewhere on here)
Sorry, no promises. We are just all different. One may just be what her body wants to do. At the end of the day One really cracking orgasm is still 1000times better than 3 lack luster ones.
Ps. Google the clitoris some time, its actually a alot bigger organ than just the external nub. Such a cool piece of evolution
@Green_Eyed_Girl Appreciate the reply. Super vague though. I will do more research. I guess my jaw hit the table when @Shelly24 says she has “multiple foreplay orgasms” before her “final one”… what?? I would never leave the house if I was her…! Lucky gal with a lucky man that can push those buttons. Hats off to you all cause I have a feeling it is far less common than this…but maybe not!
Need a “Sex for Dummies” book…
Its definitely not every session! In general I’m a quality over quantity girl
However my husband would give me more every time if we could. As a bit of background to that, we have only ever been with each other, met as teenagers and so all of exploration Nd discovery was with each other. We also left penetrative sex until our wedding night, so spent many years enjoying foreplay and everything it has to offer. As teenagers there was also a great deal of stamina and sometimes he acts as if we’re still there!
When we go for multiple, it happens in different ways. Sometimes it might be him using his fingers, then move to oral, and then doggy style with a toy for clit stimulation. Sometimes I may not be too sensitive and have fun twice with him using his fingers.
Sometimes though it’s purely him using my fingers (preferably with lots of kissing and sucking my boobs and nappies), and we achieve something that is not multiple orgasms as such, but more a prolonged orgasm that comes in waves but never climaxes. It sort of builds and feels like its reaching climax and then it stops, and the builds higher. It goes on and on and I can have 5 or so waves before it becomes too painful to carry on. It feels amazing but also frustrating as it never fully resolves