Need real and honest reviews on Largo and Bathmate x30

Are you looking for permenant results?

As said previously, the products only work temporally.

Why do you want to enlarge?

As I said you're still growing so you may find in a year or two you've grown naturally.

All the penis enlargements are tempory and there is evidence that the can have a detrimental effect with long term use. How long are you planning on using it?

have you tried anything else that enlarges?

It's not the size, but how you use it!

I'm sorry but I think so far you've been rather rude and you are obviously looking for a quick fix to something that just is not going to happen. You've already made one thread where people gave you excellent advice, and several members have linked you to genuine reviews which you quickly ignored or began to shoot down.
The customer reviews on LH are just that, Customer reviews! They don't write their own... infact when something doesn't have reviews they send it out to selected customers to test and review for themselves to give honest opinions.
LH print the good and the bad... I know this, I've written negative reviews of awful products and they are still live and visable today despite the item still being for sale.

Penis enlargment products generally fall into 1 of two catagories.
1) They are relatively quick to use but the effects are either very temporary, or 2) They require absolute persistence for months to make their effects more long-term (And even then I assume that if you discontinue use all together the results will fade eventually)
Consider the penis like a muscle, it needs to be trained and toned and kept in good condition. Good diet, hydration and regular massage to get the blood circulating more is just as important as using fancy toys, although I'm sure they help for quick effects I don't think they last as long as general good health and a knowledgable attitude towards sex and what will work for your size!

ok, thanks im just really hesitant and want the right product to do the trick,

thats why i am asking for people who have tried either of the 2 products to post on this thread

Not everyone who reviews products are active on the forums.

I think what you should do is maybe have a look at the reviews and make a choice based on them. Then you can buy the product, and if it doesn't work out well for you, you can return it for an exchange or a refund under Lovehoneys amazing 365 day returns policy.

I think this is probably the best option for you.

Good luck :)