New hot guy at work

This sounds like a romantic movie playing out and I think you’ve done amazingly so far. Yes I vote you shoo-ins casually ask him if he’d like to meet up for a gym session as it’s not like saying date meet so no awkwardness yet it’ll give you more time to see him out of work and how he’s like. :smiley:


@AJSTAR aww thank you. Let’s hope this movie has a happy ending haha.

Good luck @littlespoons I’m sure he will grasp the chance to have a gym session and extra workouts. :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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Thank you @steve19. Always have time for extra workouts :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I agree with what others have said, definitely ask him if he wants a gym buddy. Life is to short to live with any regrets.
Please keep us updated, it’s nice to hear of a happy ending story. My fingers are crossed for you.


@Deanna32 thank you. I will be sure to post any updates.


What have you got to loose go for it Girl ! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

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Ha!! They usually do :grin:

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A little update. Today is first time I’ve had a shift that lined up with his. I helped him load his van again. That way we can talk. He said I should join his gym. I causally said I always like to have some one to workout with and did his gym do a day pass. To which he said he would ask and that he could probably get in for free and then we could work on a new deadlift pr for me. So no concrete plans to go to the gym together but I will see what happens. He joked about me hiding in his van so I could join him on his route. I did find out that it wasn’t allowed which is what I thought in the first place.


Sounds like it is worth a shot , as long as keeping company policy in mind . I myself said I would NEVER date anyone from work . After being there for 10 years I met a woman and could not help but notice she had long legs and was a nice person . So I asked her out and we were married the next year . Next month will be our 35th anniversary . We were both formerly married . Good luck !


Thank you. Yea I will just see where it goes. There is quite a few couples at my work already and also a lot of family members. So don’t think it would be weird if we did get together.


The poor guy is probably desperate to ask you out . He sounds like he really likes you , but is a bit nervous. My guess is that he assumes you have a partner, and is dropping hints to see if you mention them .
Next time , drop it into the conversation that your single . Watch his eyes light up !!
Enjoy your first date !


@Weeradge i had previously mentioned that it’s just me and the dog at home but that was a while ago. Before he had even got the job. So might drop it into a conversation again. Thanks :blush:


Just ask him out be brave … you may never look back ! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


So I won’t be going on a date with this guy. Since he has a partner that he lives with. We were talking and I asked what made him move here from England and he was giving vague answer like family and lots of different reasons. Then he said him and his partner didn’t want to raise kids where he used to live. He talked about an ex before and never once mentioned about being with someone. Even when talking about his new place or his family. Either way it wouldn’t of worked out as I don’t want kids.


Sorry to hear your update, so he has a partner and he wants kids. I fully understand where are coming from. At least you know where you stand now. I know someone else will come along and hopefully soon. @littlespoons


@steve19 yea your right am glad I know now. We can still be friendly and I don’t have to wonder if it means more. Am happy to be a aunt. Having a dog is much more my thing lol.

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Aw I’m sorry to hear (read) that but I’m also really glad for you that you found that out.
From the way you’ve described him and the things he has been saying to you and he has a partner! Nah, you’re well out of that.

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@JoCat thank you. Yea it’s a bit strange that his partner never came up until now and even then i feel like he didn’t want to bring it up.



Upwards and onwards, as one door closes another one opens, it was not meant to be, but it does not mean that there isn’t someone out there, you just haven’t met them yet.