New Phone

OK So I had an iPhone4 and now upgraded to iPhone4s... Why didnt I wait for the iPhone 5 ? Because Apple have changed all the connectors which mean I'd have to go and get all the gadgets at home changed plus Vodafone said I would have to pay approx £600 for the privilage... Oh well, lets see how much better this model is....

Anyone else got the 4S ?

Not here Android person have been for the last 3 and a half years...

nokia lumia 800 for me- had an iphone but wasnt kid proof enough!

i love my lumia- its robust( and ive tested this- so's my LO!), good looking,great camera and does everything really well!

still gutted i cant recover any of the pics from my iphone though.

i got the 4s, pretty good if you ask me!

Blackberry fan (9105 Pearl), good enough for what I use it for

I have an iPhone 4 and my brother has the 4S. I don't see the big deal in it though, think it's just got a couple more features but more or less the same as the 4.

I'm not much of a phone person but I couldn't be without my iphone.. I use it for everything- from shopping to research at lectures.

Don't really care all that much about the iPhone 5. All of the iPhones have yet to lose their value but even if they do- I got mine gifted to me so no loss either way.

Its a good improvement especially Siri (ask it to tell you a story), but yeh Im waiting for the new one which is like 2 weeks away. What does apple have in store for us...oooh

Iv'e had my iphone 4s for about a month andf it's fab it's easy to use although i have sons to help when i'm stuck, can't imagine how i survived without it.

i prefer the 4s to the 4 defo :)

As i only had a normal phone before it's exiting to go online any where, was even on LH in the tesco que and no one knew about it!!

Why did you get an Iphone?

I can't stand them personally, only because I spend a lot of time testing and unbricking the blasted things. I've been andriod for a while now.

android all the way :)

you suck ^^^
its all about apple i say! pick the iphone..

Zaquiel wrote:

Why did you get an Iphone?

I can't stand them personally, only because I spend a lot of time testing and unbricking the blasted things. I've been andriod for a while now.

kittyb4u wrote:

android all the way :)

You both speak the truth aint going to matter what you do..there'll be a better phone out next week and the week after and the week after that so..