New to Anal Douche

How often do people douche? Anyone had bad experiences with douching? How do you clean the anal douche after? Any personal advice is welcome.


Great question @anon16818370.

I’d be very interested in the answers myself, particularly around douching and anal sex.

I’m super curious but had a very bad and embarrassing experience around 20 years ago and never tried it again since :flushed:


Anal douching isn’t a necessity for anal play and should only really be done a couple of times a month at most.

Use lukewarm, plain water. And give yourself a few hours between douching and play to make sure all the water comes out.

Cleaning - as you would any sex toy really. The nozzle will come off so just double check what it is made of and follow the care instructions for that material sex toy.


What everyone else has said so far is great, I keep it to bare minimum like special occasions only. What I suggest if anal play is something your seeking to get more into is a high fiber diet or a fiber power drink. It’s what I do and I effectively just use the restroom and shower and good to go most times.

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So basically do it alone an hour before special occasions! Lol.