Hi! I’ve been on here for a couple of weeks and I thought this would be the best place to ask this question (so others can see the answer). On the chat people talk about their “OH”, what does that mean? Thanks
Other half
@Ian_Chimp Totally makes sense. The only thing that kept coming to mind was “Old hag”. LOL! I knew that couldn’t be it.
There is also SO for significant other, in case you see that one pop up
@Ksag8602 Ahaha, now every time I see ‘OH’ you know I’m going to read it as “Old hag”
Most text speak and acronyms are gently discouraged in the rules, but a few sneak through.
The one that foxes people the most is SQ (Same Question) in some of the #games topics.
Hahaha! That is toooo funny @Ksag8602
I remember I kept seeing SQ and because I had no idea what it was, I couldn’t reply.
I even tried googling it - that didn’t help!
In the end I just had to ask someone…
No shame in asking, i had to ask too!
6 posts were merged into an existing topic: The Lounge
OH is ‘other half’ and used as a way of not mentioning names. It may not be very politically correct but it seems to work ok… the forum seems to have avoided things like DD and DS (dear daughter, dear son), thankfully. Mr or Mrs ‘Username’ seems to work well, too.
I actually had to clarify that for my boyfriend yesterday too, so you’re not alone!!!
I love hearing peoples alternate meanings for acronyms. I kept seeing people say FTM in a way that I thought, surely that’s not what I’m thinking… turns out it was ‘first time mother’ lol. Also I just learned CBT is also ‘cock and ball torture’ as well as ‘cognitive behavioural therapy’!
Isn’t CBT Compulsory Basic Training
(which @Ian_Chimp has to give us all, so that we can understand the new forum)
Oh yes and that too!
Shorthand of some sort is going to creap in perhaps @Lovehoney_Brenna could start a Glossary thread for the newbies
‘LO’ is another one that I’ve seen used on here that I was baffled by… Turns out it’s ‘little one’ (as in a child).
Other ones I’ve seen that I’m probably guilty of using as well are ‘FWB’ - Friends with Benefits and ‘FB’ - Fuck Buddy
Ohh thank you for this question @Ksag8602 I thought it was other hand and I thought LO was something kinky that I didn’t know the lingo for hahahah
You should try mumsnet, so full of acronyms that it can be impossible to know what going on. Seriously, some of these confuse all of us at some point, it would be good if posters refrained or at least explained the first time they used them. Or we have a sticky that has a list of the most frequent ones for those of us who struggle a bit.
I think we should just avoid using them.
We’re not supposed to anyway and what does it do… Saves you like 2 seconds from writing out the actual word
I had no idea!