If your looking for porn then a lot of the streaming sites have "female" as a category which I find kinda sexiest as I know a lot of my friends enjoy the pretty graphic stuff. You can look up a lot of "sensual" porn which is a lot easier on the eye and brain. Anna span does a lot of friendly stuff and if you can get a copy of the big budget "pirates" by joone, my ex and ex before was obsessed with it. But if your looking for movies then try some of the following:
Nymphomaniac vol 1&2 Fifty shades of grey Chloe Basic instinct About cherry The love witch
We've been trying to find something that would appeal to my wife. We're armed with Amazon Prime, Netflix, BT on demand, etc etc... The only steamy films we can get on our smart TV is porn via the browser.
Berks they have loads on Netflix just need to have a browse around, check out the thriller section. They have blue is the warmest colour, neon demon, Chloe, Gerald's game etc. I guess ever since fifty shades they kinda don't really bother with good adult movies anymore, doctor foster has been good for a kind of low key sexy drama and also game of thrones seems to get everyone excited!
Gerald's game doesn't look to revealing or with much sex but the story looks great. Anyone ever worried when they get tied they might not get loose?
I think many porn sites have softer stuff, more story or reality based more sensual and loving etc. Best thing is to find out what she likes or if you now then do a search and find something appropriate.
Anna Span is good and also Erica Lust who has a series of short films called XConfessions. I watched one last night, found it on a streaming site under female friendly although I reckon this stuff appeals as much to men as women .
I watched Bound on Netflix the other day and while I prefer it to 50 Shades of Drivel it is still terrible! Plus, if you were ever a Buffy fan you will just be like "wtf Cordelia?!!!" 😂😂😂😂😂
I just find so many sex scenes in films to be really offensive. Particularly Nymphomaniac and Blue is the Warmest Colour. All to do with the male director and nothing to do with the female perspective. I have recently gotten into feminist porn. Tristan Taormino does some interesting stuff and Elle Chase has a good website for that kind of thing. (I don't want to give links to other website as I'm not sure it's allowed!)
Gerald's game doesn't look to revealing or with much sex but the story looks great.
Anyone ever worried when they get tied they might not get loose?
I think many porn sites have softer stuff, more story or reality based more sensual and loving etc. Best thing is to find out what she likes or if you now then do a search and find something appropriate.
Hey Initiate, if thats the "Geralds Game" by Stephen King then Ive not seen the film but have read the book and it is a great story
Me and hubby have just started watching porn together again his not I to the whole fake screen so we have started to watch a lot of sensual massage its not too fill on and his got a few good tops when giving me a massage lol
Gerald's game doesn't look to revealing or with much sex but the story looks great.
Anyone ever worried when they get tied they might not get loose?
I think many porn sites have softer stuff, more story or reality based more sensual and loving etc. Best thing is to find out what she likes or if you now then do a search and find something appropriate.
Hey Initiate, if thats the "Geralds Game" by Stephen King then Ive not seen the film but have read the book and it is a great story
Yes exactly. Haven't read or watched it but looks very good and I'm a king fan.
Anyone know where you can buy decent sex DVDs? Not the simulated sex scene rubbish? I bought some in the past from the ads in the back of the newspaper for me and partner to watch together but they was terrible oh and 1 from **removed** that was simulated as well what's all that about !