Old Picture gallery

Hi everyone hope your all getting the hang of the new forum just wondering has anyone up load amy pictures tjsnks

Hi, it seems no one can post pics until they reach Trust Level 2, we’re all in the same boat at the moment! It’s mostly to let us all get to know the new forum a bit better and work out how to use it properly.
There’s some info about Trust Levels here : Trust Levels and Badges?

thank you wildflower hope your enjoying this weather

You’re welcome @AWB1955 Yes it’s very hot here :hot_face:

yes hot here in Cardiff just sitting in the gsrden trying to top the tan up lol

Hi, I believe the pictures cannot be uploaded until you are a higher level and of course no one has achieved that yet.

I think they just want everyone to acclimatise to all the new stuff for a couple of weeks before introducing the medium level stuff. The pictures will still need moderater approval too, and I bet they’re quite busy right now cleaning up and learning the new system after the swop over.

I don’t think the route to Member is too arduous. Keep logging on and joining in and you’ll be there in no time. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

And there’s still the old thumbnail gallery if you’re feeling homesick. :slightly_smiling_face: No full-size ones though. I don’t know how long it’ll be up for, so it may already be gone. :crossed_fingers:

You seem to have a very good understanding of the new site, users will know where to come for advise.

I’ll level with you Steve, I’m happy as a :pig: in :poop:. I can’t put the bloody thing down. :slightly_smiling_face: But hopefully my obsessive fiddling will prove of some use if I can help explain it all to someone else. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


Keep fiddling @Ian_Chimp you’re doing a good job for us all…:kiss:

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There’s a little Tutorial you can do to go over some of the basics, if you fancy it?

There’s a topic on it here: (with a few tips in too :+1:)

Discobot Tutorials