orgasm trouble

Sorry if this has been discussed before, I couldn't find anything on the search function. Since I have been with my OH (7 weeks) I have discovered the joys of orgasm through penetration and squirting (apparently a prince albert piercing helps alot) which has been amazing. However, there is one frustrating thing and I'm not sure if anyone has any experience of it or can advise me on reducing it. When I orgasm from penetration I really tighten up but also seem unable to control that I'm bearing down, and practically ejecting his penis out, which is most annoying when his cumming tips me in to orgasm, not to mention messy and occasionally painful for him. Its to the point where I'm actively trying NOT to cum when I can see/feel he is going to.

Any thoughts?

I do the same. As far as I'm aware it's perfectly normal to experience muscular contraction during orgasm. I have such strong muscles that orgasming can be painful at times and I often don't enjoy it. I also "eject" the OH if I orgasm with him inside me and he can experience some discomfort.

I find having him really deep during the point of orgasm (he has to hold still during my orgasm) prevents me pushing him out (but doesn't prevent his discomfort) so maybe this would help?


I also contract most of the times during orgasm, the intensity is not always the same, sometimes the orgasm is "weaker", sometimes "stronger". Luckily I mostly orgams after my partner when playing with a vibrator while he watches (he likes the show a lot) or him bringing me to it. HavenĀ“t yet pushed him out during intercourse (when I use a toy to help myself), but he is deep within me and holding still.