Our first toys have arrived

Hello all, our first toys have arrived and we are so excited to experiment with them and over time we will get maximum pleasure from them and no doubt add to them! However, we are asking you lovely people are there are do’s and don’t for us to know before experimenting please x


I’m no expert, there are people far more experienced people than me. What I will say is relax, and have fun, don’t put too much pressure on yourselves to have that earth shattering orgasm first time. A lot of it is experimentation and finding what toys work for you, and what ones don’t.

Good luck, enjoy, and let us know how you get on xx


We will do and thank you for your advice. We tried to download what we have received, but, unfortunately, we can’t have done that right x.

New toys are always exciting. :slightly_smiling_face:

What did you buy? Different types of toys and accessories can be used in different ways, so if you give us a bit more info we can be more specific with any advice. :+1:

We bought a bullet, wand and vibrator with a water based lubricant. We did try to download the photo but did something wrong x


I’m afraid you can’t upload photos until you reach Trust Level 2, which takes about 15 visits, an hour of reading, and some posting and liking (so not too arduous :slightly_smiling_face:). As soon as you ‘level up’ you’ll be able to post photos, though ones of your personal stash will have to be posted to a topic in the Your Photos category for moderator approval before they go live on the site. :+1:

I think the main safety tip would be to not insert the bullet internally, as it may not come back out without medical intervention. :slightly_smiling_face:

Apart from that, explore and enjoy. :+1:

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Like at @Ian_Chimp said, you won’t be able to upload photos yet but if you bought them from LH you can include the link for the toys. Just copy the Web address and paste it in here. I think that would work.

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Thank you

Good point and avoiding embarrassing moments

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We will learn as we go along and thank you

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@New2 . Which wand did you buy…my wife has the small LH one , but maybe better with a larger version.