PA piercing dream over 😞

So this thread started as asking for recommendations for a PA piercer in the Leicester area but the dream is over.:face_with_diagonal_mouth:

It’s all irrelevant now as my OH has put they kibosh on it, asked her last night if I should get it done again and she quite sternly and quickly said “NO!” Then said she “I likes him as he is”!

When she realised I was a bit dissapointed by her initial reply she said she didn’t think I was and joking when I told her had been thinking about doing it again she then changed her tune and said it was up to me, but then preceeded to list a load of reasons why I shouldn’t get it done, last experience, the work I do, the time without sex and so on.

Anyway it was more than enough for me to work out she didn’t want me to get it done and said it was up to me because thats what I wanted to here.

I know some will say it’s my choice and its up to me, if I wanna get it done just to do it, but in a relationship you do have to respect your OH’s opinion too.


Sorry, I’m new to this piercing…
Silly questions loading through as I don’t know anyone with piercings down there…lol
Where did you have it? What did you have done? Hurt? What pleasure does it give, feel like while having sex? Thanks in advance :smiling_face:

I think the first experience is telling you something, learn from it and stay away from it.

@steve19 TBF I put it down to a bad piercer experience than a bad piercing experience.

I have been tempted with this piercing for many years, never had the courage to go through with it but after a lot of research and doing a pros and cons I’ve come to the conclusion that’s it’s just not worth it.

to be honest if I had a bad experience the first time I don’t think I’d be letting anyone else near it for a second go. Full respect you for still wanting it.

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Got my pa in my 40’s was straight forward

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Ahh that sucks but maybe you’ll come to see it as a blessing at some point to not having it done. Wonder if you can get fake clip on ones to try out?!…

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That’s a shame if it is something you really wanted to get done. My husband got one done in his 20’s and it has been fine since then and we both really like it. I wasn’t against it at all when he got it done but it was his decision and he brought up the idea of getting it done. I just like the idea of him having it in his pants and nobody else knowing about it! :smiley:

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If the PA is a step too far, have you thought about a frenulum piercing as an alternative?

I had 2 piercings in mine but decided to let one close up as it wasnt as comfortable as the first. They both healed quite quickly and it was fairly easy to move up in sizes. I can now wear upto 3mm diameter piercings and even wear a glans ring through the piercing which is great for holding the ring in place when not erect.