PE help

I’m going through a period of PE in the last couple of months. Not sure why, but it’s having an effect on our sex life.
I’ve bought the LH hollow strap on in the hope it may help, but the OH doesn’t really seem as keen for me to use it on her. Not that its been bought without her knowledge or discusion.
I’ve contempliated cock sleeves to help but not sure if they would take away the ‘sensation’ that is causing the issues.
Has anyone had any experience of these? Do they work? Is a hollow strap on better? Thanks.

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I have same issues,best thing is delay condoms

My OH has the same issues , he ordered himself an extender (he doesnt need one) off LH hoping the extra inch would protect sensitive areas and be a bit of fun .
It does help thats for sure , he was worried he wouldnt be able to feel anything but he can its just dulled so he can go a lot longer .
I prefer to feel him not the extender so i ordered delay wipes from LH and they work amazingly for us , it took a few attempts to work out how long to leave him wrapped in one , he now wraps himself in one and puts a condom on top to hold it in place whilst he concentrates on me then takes it off for sex and its works for us .
Good luck


Years ago my ex and I played with creams mostly , we found the biggest problem was it worked on both of us . She often could not get to orgasm . That was many years ago though , hopefully products are better now . Good luck .

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Husband and I tried a few things, but he actually learned to stop holding his breath and that made a big difference. He realised that he would always hold his breath before he came, so once he noticed, that he realised that a deep breath would delay it. Worked better than delay condoms.


Delay spray worked best for me. Tried a few over the years and best by far are ones that use ‘lidocaine’ as the active ingredient. It’s the same as used in a lot of the sore throat relief sprays. Unfortunately LH stopped selling it, but on the bright side I found another with a simple Google search and it was half the price at an online chemist :slightly_smiling_face:

1 spray is enough for me, 5-10 minutes before we get started.


Will try those​:+1:t2:

:+1:t2::+1:t2:great advice

Whats it called

@Kneeslider @Ajp My boyfriend has been on Paroxetine for a while now for other reasons but I believe this medication is also prescribed ‘off-label’ for treatment of premature ejaculation. It has certainly worked for him in this way, as he used to cum very quickly but now lasts for ages. It’s actually been very good for our sex life.

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