Work related
Pit: working all weekend, with all the mums having temperatures and not straight forward.
Peak: baby cuddles, whilst trying to help a new mum get some rest.
Work related
Pit: working all weekend, with all the mums having temperatures and not straight forward.
Peak: baby cuddles, whilst trying to help a new mum get some rest.
Pit: I have Blepharitis in my Right eye meaning it’s swollen, itchy and won’t stop watering! It’s driving me bananas!
Peak: someone bought their cockapoo puppy into my work place and I spent a good 30 minutes giving him a belly rub and he didn’t want to leave
Pit: Feeling like I am getting Covid (haven’t had it yet) with a sore throat, etc. But actually seeming to feel better the more the day goes on.
Peak: After a long discussion about sex and what Mrs. Val will and won’t do (including the treasure hunt… ) she finally initiated some sexting and has a surprise for me that SHE bought this time for tonight. This is seriously the first time this has happened in my marriage… Oh look, another peak has formed…better walk it off
PIT- each one of our 4 children have got a 24hr big this week started with our eldest then the middle daughter then our eldest daughter and now the baby! Me and laura have averaged about 2hrs sleep each night this whole week from Monday! Doesn’t help Laura has an illness that makes her get sick very easily we are just waiting for her to get it now hopefully she doesn’t.
PEAK- 3 weeks today until we both day I do! Everything basically done now, but the biggest peak of all is we are both about to have a cold shower together then go to sleep early and hope we get some sleep tonight!
Laura is really on edge about getting it, as she has a long term illness and they don’t know why she has it. But fingers crossed everyone seems ok today!
PIT-we actually haven’t had one today!!
PEAK- we didn’t have a pit lol!
@DavidB1986 if you dont mind me asking what,netflix, show was that
The Sex Room show! We’ve just re-decorated our bedroom and turned it into a sexy new space!