I know we have the thread of What cheered me up recently but We wanted to start a new topic that’s slightly different.
What was the peak of your day and what was the pit of your day.
Somewhere were we can all tell the best bits of our days and the worst bits of our days.
Remember to Always start with the pit and end on the peak so you always leave on a high note!
We look forward to hearing about everyone’s days!
No matter how good or bad just remember your all amazing unique individuals!
We will start PIT, got woken up really early kids been feeling poorly and my sons going away for a week and a half tomorrow morning so last night time cuddle for a week.
Peak laura had her hair trial for the wedding today and all her Charlotte tilbury makeup turned up and damn did she look so hot when she had it all on with her hair done looking wedding fresh!
Pit: Going to work and coming back to a car that had a flat battery, so had to wait over an hour for someone to come and help me.
Peak: Had a glorious testing session last night, made all the better after our frank and open discussion we had following watching that Netflix show… and I had proper wobbly legs afterwards!
Pit: yesterday was a long day and last night (instead of getting the good nights sleep i desperately needed) i woke in the middle of the night and struggled to go back to sleep. So i am now tired.
Peak: today is a rare day of getting the house to myself. So its nice and quiet an peaceful here and i can just chill out.
PIT- we went for a long drive to Milton Keynes to buy a strapless push-up bra for the wedding for laura and was there in different shops for hours (LH don’t have what we need) and got nothing. Apart from a massive car park charge.
PEAK- we had a really lovely dinner at a place called Byron burgers ( or something like that) and ordered loads of bits as we was all starving, the kids came too, the food was great the bill was quite expensive but the lady gave us 20% off! So fed us all a nice meal for £75 that’s 3 courses of course! Yummy .
Pit: Hit by a wave of anxiety today; it’s been three weeks since I reduced my contract to spend more time blogging / running the home etc and I’m having moments where I’m not sure I’ve made a good decision.
Peak: The bedroom renovations are coming along and we almost have our sex room!
Pit- after our long day yesterday our eldest daughter has been a wa**er all day! Laura has been really upset because of it and I’ve been picking up the pieces and having to choose who to be with inbetween all of it, talk about stuck in the middle! Then on top of that just realised with 10 mins to spare we just had enough baby milk (prescription milk for CPA) for 1 bottle had to rush to the pharmacy was speeding a little went in they didn’t have the milk!! So they took 2 from someone else’s for now and when I came out the police was standing there asking me why I was speeding, luckily I wasn’t going to fast and they accepted my reason and just said be careful and drive safe.
Peak- I’ve now got my house in order and ready for a bloody shower when the girls get out (laura and our eldest) as they are now best buds again!
Our son needs to get back from his little holiday with his friends fast as he may only be 9 but he’s so helpful and always cheers me up! He’s the only one that listens! 1 boy 3 girls damn how easy boys are!!
PIT- today we went to church, when we was finishing we was talking to some people at the end as you do and one said the church had ran out of paper for the children to draw on, so we got some, and took it over there, I left laura in the car quickly to run it in on the way past, and ran into a pointy sign!! Split my eyebrow open knocked myself out and had claret all down my face and hands, we have 3 weeks and 6 days until we get married I’m hoping my eye brown isn’t all black blue and scabby for the day or I will feel like a real let down!
Peak- all the kids have been amazing today and we’ve had Laura’s parents over and some friends, seen my 87 year old grandad (who I see everyday) and also seen my mum!