Pegging with a condom

A few months ago I was thinking why people put a condom on a dildo for pegging - it’s not like you have to worry about pregnancy

But since Christmas we have tried it and found 3 benefits
1… easy clean up after play
2… after pegging for some time take the condom off and get your man to suck the dildo
3… I found less love is needed - without a condom I found I re applied lube after 5 minutes of pegging but with a condom is well over 10 minutes before more is needed

Has anyone noticed this …


#2 sounds like reason enough!

#1 definitely convenient

#3 will have to do some of our own research and get back to you….

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It definitely good for clean up, can’t say Ive noticed a difference in lubing, also fun for role play and putting it on by mouth.


@FindingLibido - that’s a skill indeed- I might teach my husband this skill - I have not done this since I was 18 … long time ago

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Yeah I was gonna say many use a condom on dildos for cleanliness as like normal sometimes the flesh coloured dildo material can gain a few stains from use.

We use condoms for various reasons- I agree live is less needed but it keeps the dildo clean and smelling good

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