Penis Extenders and Safe sex?

We currently use condoms as our contraception. I was thinking of getting the Adonis Textured 2 Inch Penis Extender
Would we still use a condom with it? Sorry we are newcomers to Toys and don't really know how these extenders would work for us

I got a 1" extender with no nobbles a while ago as a free gift when you spend over a certain amount.

We have never used it during sex but I have tried it on and I don't think there is anyway you could safely use a condom under it. As the one I have is the same shape as the head of the penis and smooth I see no reason why a condom couldn't go over the top as long as it was long enough.

I would be worried putting a condom over something with texture but perhaps someone from LH will comment.

It would depend on how they fit. We have a extender and we don't use condoms with them. As long as they are tightly fit im sure it would be fine. I would think it would be hard to fit a condom on with it. They are quick thick so don't think you would have much sensation with both.

Maybe you could ask livechat i'm sure they'd be able to tell you if you can use condoms with extenders, i suspect you'd need to use another form of contraceptive like spermicide or a diaphragm with one

Delboy1991 wrote:

It would depend on how they fit. We have a extender and we don't use condoms with them. As long as they are tightly fit im sure it would be fine. I would think it would be hard to fit a condom on with it. They are quick thick so don't think you would have much sensation with both.

I certainly wouldn't trust the extender to stop pregnancy (otherwise I'm sure they would make that claim).

Go to the doctor/clinic and ask them but I think I know what they will say.