Period in MOD jail

So… im back after a period in isolation.
The MOD felt the use of emoj’s was less than supportive and ''kink shaming"
I have to accept their judgement, but just wanted to state that anything i have ever posted on this forum, was never intended to belittle or shame anyone.
I had said I found a certain subject of men in womens lingerie amusing. The use of a laughing emoji was deemed to be hurtful.
On hindsight, i can see that it could be construed that way, but that was not the intention.
Just wanted to clarify my side of of the situation.
Being away from the forum actually made me realise that i was spending too much time viewing and in future should limit my visits ongoing.
Hope everyone is well and have been enjoying their sex lives in all its various forms.


Though I have no idea of the post in question, your response here shows your good character.


My initial thought was… theres a ministry of defence jail? :rofl:

I think its probably best to just draw a line under it. There will be opinions on what you’ve said here, I can understand you wanting to say your piece but I think its probably best left in the past. See, opinions are everywhere.


:joy: i’m not an insurgent, honestly.
Yes you are right…better to just move on.

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Hopefully lessons have been learnt.

Im letting this go…i made my mself clear… no lesson to be learned…so you do the same.


I’m confused you said no lesson to be learned. Surely thats the point you raised in your post you might think it’s acceptable but other people don’t think it’s acceptable. So I would of thought the lesson would be think of other people’s feelings first before you do something that might upset someone.


If the MOD thought it offensive enough to take action…which isn’t something they do lightly then it shouldn’t happen again…everyone has a right to disagree with something or not like it but to openly ridicule forum members pictures is a step too far…

Yes let things go and move on…but I agree with @teacake and it’s not just aimed at yourself @Iwill it’s to ALL forum members…lessons must be learnt from this…certain things are just not ok.


@CurvyJilly . I made myself clear, i did not openly ridicule anyone. I conceded that on hindsight my chosen emoji could be construed that way however.
The reason for the subject posted to day, was to offer my side of the matter, as I wasnt given the opportunity to do so at the time.
I will leave it at that , with the understanding that a post may not be received in the context it was intended.
I think most members will look at my activity and recognise the support and respect i always offer in my interactions.
I think we should close the thread at that.