Peyronie's disease

Has anybody else had problems with this.

Hi @Ajp
Yes, i have had the unfortunate “pleasure” of being affected by it for ten years now.
My bend is upward, but not severe.
I’m sad to say that when I met my now second wife, we were the proverbial rabbits, and that is when the trauma occurred. I can feel the scar tissue under the foreskin on the top of my penis.
I’d like to think I can get closer to Mrs LC’s “G” spot…but who knows :slightly_smiling_face:
I don’t suffer any pain but I did buy a penis stretcher designed for the purpose of straightening it, but didn’t persevere long enough.
Perhaps I’ll get it out and dust it off and start using it again :wink:


Not sure I’ve heard of this before… can you give a brief description of it?

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Now why would you not give a description? :face_with_monocle:

Google this at your peril!

Sorry @AJSTAR and @JoCat
I thought the OP would have replied by now.

I not sure why it’s labelled as a disease though.
Basically, it’s a condition where through “over use” the tissue along the length of the penis (on top generally) and under the foreskin gets damaged and thickens.
So when you have an erection, the thickened tissue doesn’t stretch or grow so easily as the rest. This causes, in my case, the penis to bend up slightly, creating a slight curve.
Sometimes people can have a left or right curve.
The stretching device I have aims to put a continued pull to the penis, therefore, over time, lengthening the thickened tissue. Pretty much like when you have a frame on a damaged leg bone which slowly encourages new bone growth by constantly adjusting its length.
In severe cases, the bend can be as much as 45° or more upward. Then the option is surgery. If you search online, you will find the procedures…not pleasant!!
Hope that helps :wink:

As a P.S. you can sometimes see curved penises in porn movies. Generally, that will be Peyronies.


Thank you @Latino_Caliente
Does the thickening cause any loss of sensation? I’m thinking because you said its like scar tissue.
What an awful thing to happen because you’re lucky enough to have a lot of orgasms! Or is it a blessing?

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Most of the curved penises you see in porn are not actually peyronies. They are congenital curves, caused by one side of the penis being naturally longer than the other. This will always result in a curve to one side.
Peyronies on the other hand is caused by trauma… The resulting hard scar tissue prevents part of the penis from elongating during an erection. Hope this helps to clarify things.

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Hi @JoCat
No, there is no loss of sensation whatsover :grin:
I suppose the best way to describe it further is, imagine having a wide, thick rubber band that is attached where the groin area meets the base of the penis (on the top) and runs the whole length, to as far as the glans (under the foreskin, so not visible)
When flacid, i can’t detect any scar tissue. But when erect, I can feel it. It is about 6mm wide and quite firm, hence the slight curve, as it just does not stretch as easily as the surrounding tissue.
There is nothing physical to see (apart from the slight curve upward) It’s all going on inside.

My Peyronies was caused by trauma…too much sex for too long! I was perfectly normal before meeting my now new wife. We were at it, morning, noon and night (not now though, but that’s a whole different story) so, in my opinion, some ( not all ) of the curved penises in porn, will be a result of too much “activity”
The trauma is caused by the female pelvic bone putting pressure along the penis shaft.
Pretty much like an internal callous.


Woah!! I totally know what you mean now and have seen it many times on men but usually thought that’s just how the get erected. Never knew this could be corrected as a condition.
Thank you for helping me learn something new! :nerd_face:

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You’re more than welcome @AJSTAR
In the early days for me, I was angry and annoyed about the situation. After I had seen a Urologist and had it all explained, I starting searching for a “cure”.
There have been trials with different injections to try and dissolve or reduce the thickening, but none ( back then ) worked well.
Surgery looks like mediaeval torture! Google it for images!!!
So, I got on with life and Mrs LC says, don’t worry about it. It still works fine and we caused it together having fun :grin:
As I said previously though, mine is quite mild compared to some of the images online!

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Haha I shall look it up for sure :sweat_smile:

Holy cows!!! The surgery looks like something from hellraiser! :scream:

Told ya!! :scream:
Certainly not for me!!

It’s defo made me a tad scared to touch my willy for a bit :joy: