Phone (Sex pics/videos) safe storage

Happy Sunday everyone :star_struck:. Does anyone have any tips / recommendations for preferably free safe storage of our homemade collections of videos and pictures ? We both use iPhones :iphone:.

Whilst on the topic of Apps maybe share any other sexy suggestions to download :hugs:


Another member here suggested using an old phone without a sim card to capture your vids and pics, keeping it on flight mode. If it’s one that has removable storage capacity, even better.

I use my old android phone in this manner, because it came with an adaptor that allows me to connect a USB stick, which Sexterminatrix can then plug into the standalone DVD player to view our adventures when I’m not at home to please her in person. :wink:


I transfer all pictures/vids to my pc and use folder locker i also have a usb pen that i store them on.

Phone apps there is plenty of apps with lockers or passwords for android i use fstop.


KeepSafe is available from the Apple store.


I have an iPhone too, I just have mine hidden away in folders. Mine is set up on Face ID, so no one can get into my phone anyway.


Please Please Please to remember to back things up, you will be gutted if something would happen to them and you hadn’t backed them up even if its on a cdr.


We use Photo Vault.

It opens with a PIN, but you can then setup folders with additional passwords.

The app encrypts all photos and videos that it imports.

The free version will give you ads, but this can be circumvented by simply putting your phone into airplane mode while using the app.


Can you just not lock your phone so no one can access it.


I just put mine in an album and then hide the album so that it doesn’t come up in my gallery.


Yeah we do lock the phones … but sadly our children ask to use them etc when out in the car etc :see_no_evil:


Thanks @JonnybGoode looks like the kind of one we are after will give it a search :flashlight:


My Samsung came with the ability to add a secure folder, which I can customise to look like any other app, so it’s not overly suspicious. Also can put a lock on it in addition to my phone, and it basically acts like a completely separate device, and nothing crosses over.
I have all social medias for work in there logged in, and they never interact with my personal accounts, same goes for photos, down to having a completely separate camera app and gallery.


That’s what i use to do change the icon to something boring.

Now i don’t have any icon as i use finger gestures to open up my pictures app, so anyone looking on my phone wouldn’t even know there is a photo app on my phone. I’m a android user with Nova launcher.


That’s also a neat way of doing it!

I just more appreciate the secure folder because it allows me to keep all my spicy work stuff (which I do anonymously) in the one place, and for anyone to access it, they would need to 1 - unlock my phone, 2 - figure out what the secure folder is customised to look like, and 3 - then try and unlock that.

Considering no one in my offline life actually knows about my spicy work, they would have no reason to look for things like that, and the steps to access it are a bit too much to simply stumble upon accidentally.


When i was in a relationship i was never bothered too much about the pictures i had on my phone as i have always seen it as its a couple having fun.

Being single now i do feel a bit different that people will judge me pervert etc… so I’m now alot more secretive about my self pictures.


I would put it in a password protected folder then call it something like work stuff then the kids can’t open it.

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Can you do that on iPhone :iphone:?

The few we have I transfer to my PC and set them as hiden in a hiden folder then delete them from my phone.

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Anyone recommend a way of locking folders on a laptop?

I do like to idea of just keeping it seperate on a USB, but would still lock.

Need to check size needed :wink:


For me I store mine on my phone until it’s put in a safer place like most my stuff is saved on Snapchat or I even have a specific folder on onedrive storage.

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