Plus size Baby Dolls or Chemise, help please.

So MrsB has a birthday next Sunday and we've got a weekend away a couple of weeks after. I'd like to surprise her with a nice baby doll or chemise. Something with a hint of class, she has a few 'slutty' type outfits.

She's a size 16/18 with big boobs, any recomendations...?

thanks ladies.

I really like this one and this one would depend on yours and hers taste though. I hope you have a wonderful weekend away!

Sounds like we have roughly the same body shape so I can offer a few good recommendations from my experience. If you want something a bit kinkier this is a brilliant option:

For comfort and ease this is my absolute favourite. Plus, I can sleep in it without my girls popping out:

But if she wants something a bit lacy or girlier this is an amazing option:

Good luck!x

thanks bex213 & VK, plenty to think about there....