Pole Dancing...

I'm doing a pole dancing class next weekend for someone's hen do. Very intrigued but quite scared! Plenty of wine first methinks :P

Gymnast use talc-n-powder for grip, that may help???

Or for comedy value, go with a velcro suit and a strip of fabric to wrap round the pole.

Ooh Cazz you will love pole dancing! It's loads of fun and a really good workout.

Best tips are to warm up and stretch before you pole. Like, seriously!! It's not one of those activities where you can 'do a bit and be ok'.... your really need to warm up!

Clothing wise - don't wear much! The more skin you have on show, the better you'll grip the pole in various positions. Though for the beginning you'll probably mostly be using your hands and the bottom half of your legs to grip so a tank top and 3/4 lengths should be ok :)

Get some Arnica Bruise Cream (or after spanking cream!) for your legs to reduce the bruising afterwards. You WILL bruise.

A good pair of trainers are good, but personally I always preferred to dance with bare feet as you gain extra grip having the tops of your feet bare.

Oh and take lots of water!

That gymnast talc can help, but it actually just makes a mess tbh. Also, if you begin to rely on it, it's harder to get your own solid grip on the pole. In my opinion, a completely clean pole is best. You could get a palm antiperspirant though to stop sweating and slippage.

Arnica Bruise Cream is a great recommendation! And don't forget to cool down after. Its very surprising what muscles you work!

I've been going to the one in Clifton for a few years now and they are great. I'll say hello if I see you! Check out the ariel fitness classes too! That is amazing for an upper body work out.

I would also highly recommend 'Dry Hands Grip Solution'. Perfect for hot weather like this so your hands don't slip. Like Jess said, I wouldn't use it every time because you can become reliant on it but for your first couple of classes it might give you the confidence to really go for it!

Have fun! Xx

I'm thinkin of goin to a pole dancing class!! :p I used to be a dancer and had to stop due to my spine but now it's got better I'd love to do something a little different, tell us how it went cazz :D Xx

There's a new studio near me that does one on one classes.
Lol to the shoe condoms!!!

I would love to be able to pole dancing but my spine will definitely not let me sadly. I was going to say be prepared for bruising though as I know from friends that you can bruise pretty badly to start with.

You all may laugh but shoe condoms exist and they are pretty too http://www.prettypinktoes.co.uk/Pages/HeelCondoms.aspx

First of all.

Good morning closely followed by OUCH.

How I managed to drive to work this morning is a miracle. My arms are dead. I feel like they have been run over with a tractor. Even lifting my cup of tea is a challenge.

It was so much fun though and I recommend that everyone who wants to try it does, at least once! And I will definitely be going again :D hopefully next week! I managed to do so much more than I thought I'd be able to! I actually did some real moves spinning around the pole.

It is such a good workout. I felt really good after and I feel all achey now so it must of been good. And not a single bruise or burn! *high five to myself*

Thanks for reading my update :) - Cazz x

Morning Cazz, I know that awful arm ache feeling, (like you can't even move)

Happy to hear you had a good time! Sounds really fun! :)

Morning Cazz, it's great to hear you had loads of fun! Hope your aches disappear quickly. Sounds like a nice massage and a long bath are in order - lol :) xx

Yes Scorpius! I'll be making full use of my bath and my boyfriend WILL massage me. I'll make him and have a sad face until he gives in and does it - hehe x

Sounds like a plan Cazz - lol. You could try adding either some Radox herbal bath salts muscle soak or some plain Epsom Salts to your bath water, which will really help to ease the aches. Epsom salts are great, as they are rich in magnesium sulphate, which really soothe aching muscles xx

Okay it's official, I'm gonna give it a go, just gotta look for a good and local-ish company :D xx

Yay go for it Kinky&Curvy - when you go you have to let me know how it was x

Im not sure being run over by a tractor is on my to do list! Lol. Worst thing is you are going again Cazz :-)

I will :D haha LMF I love that ache after you've done exercise, it feels like you've done something Xx

Precisely K&C that's what Im trying to avoid......the done something. Normally its my back and I cant stand up straight! Lol

I have a twisted spine but I'm not gonna stop that holding me back. I was told I couldn't do much by the doctors and I showed them right!! xx