Porn Compilation

I want to make a porn compilation women would watch. What stuff gets you ladies going?

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My bag would be taller bronzed men - not too young with a good size penis fu**ing woman

Mine would be a threesome 2 females with a guy with a massive c…k

My wife. (Straight) when we tried it wanted lesbien porn!!! Hit me out of nowhere and the fact she suggested it blew my mind! Was putty in her hand after that. Unfortunately the only thing we could really watch it on was an ipad. This completely killed the mood and was just awkward. Would love to do it again but have the tv on. Too shy to ask really. Stupid as we have crossed so many other boundaries.

If I watch porn I will watch FF porn. When watch with hubbie we will watch FF too.

Only gang bang or mmmf for us

You’ll probably find, just like the men, there isnt a one size fits all. For me there isn’t a usually my preference and fancy’s change regularly.

Welcome to the forum :wave:t2:

Definitely lesbian porn also bi sexual and sensual porn.

Welcome to the forum and interesting first post! :smile: