Porn Name Alternative

If like me when trying to find your porn star name using mothers maiden name and pet name you came up with a name that wasn't that great or appealing, then why not try this one:

Pick The Month You Were Born In

Jan-Seductive Feb-Baby Mar-Boss Apr-Master May-Big Jun-Monster
July-Tasty Aug-Sweet Sep-King Oct- Queen Nov-Kitty Dec-Dirty

Pick The Day You Were Born On

01-Tickler 02-Pump-her 03-Dripper 04-Punisher 05-Milker 06-Lover
07- Eruption 08-Licker 09-Titterlizer 10-Strapper 11-Swallower 12-Sucker
13-Vibration 14-Cuffer 15-Squealer 16-Eater 17-Slurper 18-Terminator
19-Teaser 20-Back Doorer 21-Biter 22-Spanker 23- Rip-her 24-Juicer
25-Squirter 26-Nipple Twister 27-Whipper 28-Screamer 29-Pounder
30-Drinker 31-Tantaliser

Big Terminator :-/ I no likey!! Haha

King Squirter

Haha! Not right for me, I think ;)

Tasty Terminator!! Lol. I like!!

BABY MILKER. No No No No Wrong Wrong Wrong Wrong.

Big Spanker!

Fair enough, I do like to play with myself

kitty cuffer

Queen Milker - odd but i think its ok lol

The OH is baby pump her lol

Kitty dripper
OH is baby tickler

Boss teaser

OH is Dirty Biter

Master Tickler - cyber birthday only, not my real one

I'm quite pleased with that.

How did it know?????

Monster Strapper!

LMAO, Kind of apt considering what I want my OH to do to me lol!! :)

Lady-J's is

Tasty Swallower!

Me - Boss Spanker

OH - King Terminator

Sweet Drinker....Whut? O_O

baby slurper...eww thats just wrong!

Boss Strapper....I don't think so.

boss spanker, not really me!!