Prefered way of cleaning toys

How do you clean your toys? Put rubbers on anal dildos or clean with anti bacterial soaps? Dishwasher?

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Warm water and soap or handwash liquid.


If there’s one place i wouldnt put something that would have been up someone’s ass, its the dishwasher.



@rockstar said it best warm soapy water rinse and if you can leave them to dry in the air all the better if not dry and put away.

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Warm water and liquid soap - most important us to dry fully and store well

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Many are dishwasher safe. There is nothing wrong with putting them in the dishwasher

I use antibacterial hand soap and warm water! No need for all the fancy cleaners, clean can only get so clean

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I agree with you! Some things there are just no need to mix…
Washing by hand is much easier too imo

Unless you forgot you put a dildo in there and you have guests who put a coffee cup in and get an unexpected surprise :grin:


You never know what kind of conversation it may open up lol

Your afternoon teas could soon incorporate finger rolls and a Victoria Sandwich

I use toy cleaner and dish washing liquid. Some toys I boil to completely clean every now and then.

I generally use a gentle soap and water or toy cleaner.
I did read up previously about boiling silicone.

I keep a pack of Dettol antibacterial wipes on the bedside for a quick clean-up (along with a pack of bodywipes for any other clean ups) and clean them properly with antibacterial soap and warm water once we’ve recovered our energy :joy:

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Just don’t mix up the wipes. :face_with_peeking_eye: @Tenshadesandme


It’s not because they can go that they should go.

Do what you want, but please oh please, never invite me for a meal!!!

Freshest you’ll ever feel!

Haha imagine opening the dishwasher to find all steamy dildos wobbling about :rofl:

I just use soap and warm water for mine.

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I’ve found that This cleaner and some warm water does the trick- good as new!

Although, dishwasher does sound like a laugh :rofl:

Noted, but please tell me, is there something wrong with your dishwasher that it does not clean well? If it works like normal, I do not see what the issue is