Privacy Issues

The Nymphomaniac wrote:

geekboy wrote:

Perhaps the safest thing to do is to never tell someone like your friend what your username on here is. That way (if im right - i may be wrong) he would have to come on here and look at everyones profile and pics before he knew which 'one' you were?

I don't think Booties actually informed her friend of her actual username, just refered him to the website. Also sometimes the community pages goes a little funny, rather than showing the up to date posts and photos it can show images and posts that are rather old.... or has this only happened to me?

The issue is anyone can read your posts and your username so it's pretty to suss out if someone you know is posting regularly (if you know they're on the forums). I only tell friends I trust about my activity on the forums because once they look they've sussed me out within a few hours. I'm an active poster *and* fairly open about things that make me recognisable *if* you know I'm here!

Nymph yes old threads get chucked up from time to time.


I didn't think when I first joined i'd be as active as I have been, Kind of worrying that my face was in my avitar picture

I've changed it to a temporary cartoon one until I can find one of me with no face in it!

I don't like the idea of people I work with possibly seeing more about my sex life than I'd like them to know!

I generally obscure my face in my pics, there are a lot with the head chopped off as I don't want to be recognised by anyone IRL. Tho those that recognise the username I use on here know that I spend a lot of money on here and wouldn't be surprised, but just dont want acquaintances or less good friends to stumble across me....

I too don't put my face in the pics - I think I'd only be recognisable to a very small number of people (maybe 3?) based on what they see and I write.

I try to be careful but thats the 'problem' with online forums - anyone can see what you put.

Still, if I passed a friend details of this site I'd like to hope they didn't publicly announce my details too - common courtesy I'd say...

Well I didn't tell the guy anything about this site except that I buy toys from here. Also nobody knows this username, I made it up, so I'm unsure how he could have found me. Perhaps by looking on the User Photos, granted, but I haven't shown my face recently.

He therefore must have deduced this from the one time he has been in my house, and my body/hair? Makes me feel like not even face-hiding is safe! Sheesh!

Um, you're not hiding your face....

If he wanted to see photos or post, he'd have got an account. Then your avatar is right there in the recent threads....

Ah but he didn't sign up!

Even without signing up, he can click on community & if you'd happened to have posted in any of the 5 threads that were showing, he'd see your avatar if you were the last one who posted... Big odds maybe but not impossible?