Proposing abroad

Hi everyone!

I am looking to propose to my partner on holiday as its my first time ever flying abroad and also its our first time going on holiday after 9 years together.
I dont want to be getting caught with the ring at airport security and so i have a couple of questions…
Will the metal detectors detect the ring at the airport during check in ?
Also will the metal detectors pick up the ring in my luggage suitcase? as i wont be taking any hand luggage.
If anyone has any experience in this please let me know how it went !

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edited by mod no, a ring will not set off a lock down at the airport.

Thankyou for your rude comment :+1:if you aint got anything nice to say then dont say it at all.

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I think the OP is suggesting that it might set of a metal detector leading to a search and therefore the partner seeing the ring in advance. Or possibly the contents of the suitcase being visible to his partner as it goes through a scanner. The OP says he hasn’t flown before so isn’t familiar with security.

To answer your question, if it’s in your hold luggage you will be fine. You will hand over you suitcases on arrival, they will be weighed and a tag put on them, they will then be taken away on a conveyer and scanned by security behind the scenes. If you put it in your hand luggage it should also be fine, it will be x-rayed but your partner is unlikely to see the image. The only problem would be if it is in your pocket when you go through the metal detectors so don’t do that!

Good luck and have a lovely time!


I think that’s an awesome thing to do @Samuel21 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I can’t see any problems if it’s in your hold luggage :blush:

Have the best time!

Good luck, no issues re ring. And i would strongly recommend getting married abroad, no issues with relatives and friends as most will say ( eg. Im not flying to the usa, say ? )

How lovely and congratulations.

It may be worth taking a small backpack with your wallet and the ring stored safely inside it…

I’ve always packed my “real” jewellery in my hand luggage and it’s always gone through the scanner ok. Just not wanted my hold luggage to go astray with my expensive jewellery items in it. That way it stays with me. It would just show up as a ring on the scanner and nothing be said. Heard horror stories where hold suitcases have been sent to the wrong hotel and even worse the wrong country.

Depending on where your flying, will your hold baggage go missing??? Will it arrive with you, 98% yes but if it dossnt grab a haribo ring just incase :joy:
Metal detector my wedding ring doesn’t set it off, why not pop it in your jacket when travelling and pop your jacket through the xray then it’s no problem. As your passport, phone, wallet will need to go through the machine

I proposed abroad. I hid the ring in a pair of socks which went in a case for the hold. Was nervous as hell that the case would go missing or searched and ring discovered at the other end, reality was a lot of stress for no reason.
Half the battle then was getting the ring from the socks without the missus suspecting. Got away with it and here we are some 17 years later!

Good luck


I proposed abroad and, pleased to say that it was accepted!

My proposal took my fiancée (and all our friends who were present) by complete surprise.

Being abroad in beautiful surroundings made it so special and memorable.

Please don’t pack your ring in your checked-in (hold) luggage in case any of it goes missing!

Instead, slip the ring in a secure pocket of your jacket before putting it one of the trays before security screening.

Also, make sure you take the receipt for the ring with you.

You should not encounter any problems with security, but it is better to take it just in case.

Good Luck :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

What a lovely idea, putting it in your main /hold luggage will be fine. There is always a small risk of luggage going missing but this is very rare.

I have done this. I was worried about putting the ring in my luggage and then it being lost if I checked it so I just put it in my billfold. No issues going through lots of airport security as we made several stops before the proposal destination

I would be hesitant to check the ring due to the possibility of luggage being lost or security seeing the expensive ring and stealing it

I’ve never travelled abroad (we honeymooned in Devon, and even there I spent it with a stinking cold!) so I can’t offer any advice, but I just wanted to send my heartfelt congratulations to you both and wish you all the very best. Long may your happiness continue! :slight_smile:

Hmm maybe hide it up your bum… that usually seems to go well on films :thinking::sweat_smile: