Prostate massager help

I recently bought Classix Prostate Simulator which was my first one.

Unfortunately I didn't feel almost anything, I tried 3 times. In the beginning I was worried that it's a little bit too big but actually I was able use it without any problems.

So what do you think can be the problem? I've seen many people mentioning in the reviews of different massagers that they are too big and it doesn't reach the spot, what do they mean by that fat or just tall, or both? Can it be the shape of the toy? Some are curved and some are pretty much straight.

Maybe I expected too much but I don't think so because people mention massive orgasm when using prostate massagers.

Would be nice to hear from someone who had similar experience and did they manage to try other toys and did they help, thanks!

We are all built different and p-spots are similar to the g-spot

Finding the right toy and getting the right angle to hit that elusive spot helps

Ive found the curved toys are much better at hitting the prostrate

But you will know when you hit it as orgasm are more intense ![](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif)

By the way should a good one stay in perfectly? Because my one keeps going out even if I don't move at all or that's how the body reacts?

Ive just ordered my first ever prostate stimulator

  1. Lovehoney Curve Cruiser 5 Function Vibrating Prostate Massager
    1. So i'll give an update on the findings in a few days ;)
      • Hope you manage to find the spot