lol, well it's still in the making, but I pretty much know what I'm getting. The basque I'm wearing is the one in my display pic. Already got that, so that's not changing.
As for the rest, I've got a few things in mind, although havent bought it yet so it's still subject to change.
Might get different stockings to these, I'd like some with lacey tops, and this was decided before I started thinking about shoes/boots.
These in black
And these in black, if they come back in stock. If not, some other suitably lacey open crotch/crotchless knickers in black.
Actually, I've been eyeing up these boots on eBay (trying to do this on a budget lol!), but I dont know if patent leather is gonna stick out like a sore thumb against the rest or whether it'll work really well. Plus there's the five inch heels thing, wondering whether I'd come to regret that! Never had to wear more than an inch before.
There's no lack of stiletto boots and shoes on eBay, I'm just having trouble deciding on what would look best! I was planning on wearing stockings and suspenders with this outfit, dont know if thats a good idea, or whether ankle boots would be my best bet. Or maybe go for the boots and ditch the stockings? Gah, I dont know! Normally I'm good at placing items of clothing together but this is something that's out of the ordinary for me, and I want it to be really good! Normally I'd ask my boyfriend what he likes but it'd spoil the surprise then.