
Could someone give an explanation to the "ranking" system on here as i am fairly new and i dont quite understand what its all about and why who gets what rank ?

It goes on posts, make x amount of posts and get a certain ranking to it. It isn't anything special, you don't get anything for it, it's just a novelty

It goes on your review count & forum posts. It's an old system left over from the Orgasm Army days ... just a bit of fun :-)

Plenty of forums use military-style rank systems to indicate who is a "junior" and who is a "senior" member; writing reviews and posts gets you "promoted".

I recko they should bring some more ranks in for those who have over 1500 posts. I havent seen the rank changing, some here have 5000 posts. But then thats my ego talking xx

When they delete old threads, your post count goes down. Lots of us have lost hundreds/thousands, so you can hit whatever the threshold is to rank up, then lose posts - but you don't get demoted lol

Ahh thats an interesting fact

oo i was wondering about this too, thanks :)

I had over 5000 if not close 5500 recently it got deleted back to under 4000 again...

Thanks everyone for the update.

If you are a guy first starting out on here then you could have a begginers rank of "Able semen".lol. Sorry, bad taste...... or maybe not ???

I've never notice that the post go down before.