Rant Thread - Get it all out here

WillC wrote:

Yes very annoying! Here's one from earlier...watching Pointless and the subject is classic novels, they give you the title and initials of the author. A chap with a degree in English literature knows none of them! Me a thick Black Country bloke knows 8 out of the 10! WTF do they teach at university? 🤔

What were they? I'll see if my Literature degree fairs any better. 🙂

Off the top of my head...The Dubliners JJ, Gone With The Wind MM, Life of Pi YM, Lord of the Flies WG, Moby Dick HM, Wind in the Willows KG, Animal Farm GO, The Spy Who Came in from the Cold JLC, The Fountainhead AR and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone JKR.

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Hey I'm better off than i thought with those options, i know Lord of the Flies, Moby Dick, Wind in the Willows, Animal Farm and Harry Potter (my trivia knowledge is a really weird mix sometimes)

(though i do hav something of a reading addiction even if my field of academic study is science)

The Dubliners James Joyce

Gone With The Wind MM

Life of Pi YM,

Lord of the Flies William Golding

Moby Dick Hermen Melville

Wind in the Willows Kenneth Graham

Animal Farm George Orwell

The Spy Who Came in from the Cold Justin Lee Collins

The Fountainhead AR

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone J K Rowling

That's the best I got. 🙂

Margaret Mitchell Yan Martel John Le Carre Ayn Rand You did better than the contestant Ian! 😉 Ace, i read a lot too Ace, but only a couple of those listed, i just know stuff!

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Text abbreviations really irritate me, I have to keep googling to find out what the hell they mean, stupid rubbish like these - OMG, BTW, FWB, IMO. Perhaps it’s just me, but to me it’s utter crap.

I watch quizzes like that a lot too WillC and yeah it os really annoying to me too when they get seemingly obvious answers wrong. Or even worse, wen they skip something where they hav a 50% of getting it right (the example i always remember for this was what sex are worker bees. Surely u'd guess that if u didn't know but no he skipped)

With abbreviations i know and use a couple but only wen txting/messaging and even then usually only the really obvious ones, like wen u lose a letter or 2 (like just there with wen and u). But yeah even i think most of them r awful, i actually remember having to do an English assessment where i was insulting it for like 4 pages haha

Text abbreviations are just lazy! It doesn't take that long to type the full phrase...FFS! 😉

Well said Will.

Totally agree with all of the above, my moan for today is since our new neighbours moved in around 6 months ago they’ve decided to park one car on there own front and on the front outside our house, we don’t have a drive so what they are doing Isn’t illegal just inconsiderate, plus they have a drive they don’t use, had a polite word with them and nothings changed! Really annoys me

That’s really inconsiderate of them D&E, very unfair.

There’s a primary school at the bottom of my road (which is a cul de sac and by no means a major road) and at school pick up time no end of parents drive to pick their kids up but they stop and wait with no consideration. They park both sides of the road, or just stop in the middle of the road to have chats with their friends in other cars. The actual main entrance to the school isn’t even on my road!

Seems every school is plagued by inconsiderate parental parking.

WillC wrote:

Seems every school is plagued by inconsiderate parental parking.

Indeed! A friend of mine used to live further down the road close to the school and parents would actually park in her drive!

The school has a really small catchment area and it would be so much quicker for parents to walk than drive to come and pick their kids up but such is life.

Definitely some bone idle parents about, and they wonder why the kids are obese!/p>

What is wrong with some people ? I’m talking about car drivers who don’t make any attempt to slow down a bit when approaching large puddles of rain water on the road . A few days back I was walking along the pavement just after there had been a heavy downpour and there was a lot of standing water at the sides of the road . Twice I was , well I’ll say splashed but more like totally drenched by idiots who made no attempt to slow down or move out into the middle of the road ( it was certainly safe to do that )
I’m left wet and swearing under my breath as they merrily speed off into the distance ! How completely selfish and unthinking! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

@wildflower they`re scum aren"t they? Hopefully they ruin their electrics. I seriously think they do it on purpose.

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A little niggle but it irritates me…when someone gives you a hot drink, but it’s tepid! Either give me a proper hot drink, or give me an ice cold one…no middle ground! :wink:

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