Replace a Movie title with 'Vagina'

Abraham Lincoln, vagina hunter. (Vampire hunter)

My big fat Greek Vagina

The incredible shrinking vagina
Lord of the vaginas
Enter the vagina

finding vagina

Bridget Jones' vagina

drowning by vaginas

Vagina squad

Harry Potter and the Vagina of Askaban

Shallow vagina

Keeping in with the Danny Boyle theme....


Pirates of the vaginal

28 vaginas later

Get Vagina

Night of the living vaginas

The good the bad and the vagina

Three Men and a Vagina


Captain vagina

Iron vagina

Avengers, the age of vaginas

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40 vaginas and 40 nights (40 days and 40 nights)

Who's afraid of Vagina Wolfe

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Jurassic Vagina