Replace a movie title word with ‘knickers’

take a movie title change 1 word for knickers example black knickers down

The finest -knickers

film The finest Hours (2016)

The chronicles of knickers

desperatly seeking knickers

The Pirates of the Knickers.

Black knickers

The Knickers of Wall Street

Girl with the pearl knickers

Star Wars, the knickers strike back
Star Wars, return of the knickers

Field of knickers

Rise of the knickers
(rise of the guardians)

James Bond.

Dr Knickers
Knickers of Solace
Knickers are Forever
From Russia with Knickers
Knickers only live Twice
The Spy who loved Knickers
The man with the Golden Knickers
The Living Knickers
Never say Knickers again

Those magnificent men in there flying knickers

Carry on Knickers

50 Shades of Knickers

The Little Shop of Knickers

Pretty Knickers

(Pretty Woman)

The Devil Wears Knickers

(The Devil Wears Prada)

Robin Hood: Prince of Knickers

Knickers (superman)

Knickers (Tootsie)

Not sure that works...

Eternal sunshine of the spotless knickers