Inspired by hampsirecouple who created the thread 'Replacing Movie titles with fanny,' my OH and I came up with this - there are many great movie titles, but TV should get a look in :')
To kick it off we have:
Pretty Little Bumholes (Liars)
Breaking Bumhole (Bad)
The Big Bumhole Theory (Bang)
(sorry if it's too naughty or similar!)
Star Trek: Into Bumholes
Valerian: City of a Thousand Bumholes
50 Shades of Bumholes
28 Bumholes Later
Kingsman: The Golden Bumhole
Harry Potter and the Bumhole of secrets
Avengers: Bumhole war (infinity)
The Greatest Bumhole (showman)
First bumholes ( first dates )
I'm a bumhole get me out of here ( I'm a celeb )
Big bumhole ( big brother)
The only was is bumhole ( only was is Essex )
Game Of Bumholes...(thrones)
Stranger Bumholes... (things)
Peaky Bumholes (blinders)
Haha Delboy 1991.
That should be the real name of those shows cause they are crap 💩
Blue Bumholes ( Peter)
Top Bumholes (gear)
News at Bumholes
Delboy191: Love the I'm a Bumhole Get Me Out Of Here ![](upload://l9s9e23YKLHpoOzgGVeUkhZGcEr.gif)![](upload://l9s9e23YKLHpoOzgGVeUkhZGcEr.gif)
Bumhole Road Trip (Antiques)
Bumhole Fixer (Tattoo)
These are great :')
Undercover Bumhole (Boss)
Secret Diary of a Bumhole (Call Girl)
How I Met Your Bumhole (Mother)
Bumhole street (coronation)
The crystal Bumhole (maze)
The big fat bumhole of the year (quiz)
My Big Fat Gypsy Bumhole (Wedding)
Pinky and the Bumhole (Brain)
Everybody loves bumhole (Raymond)
8 out 10 bumholes (cat)
8 out 10 cats does bumholes (countdown)
The Graham Norton bumhole (show)
Jamie and Jimmy's bumhole night feast (friday)
The Great British Bumhole...
Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Bumholes (Kids)
My Parents are Bumholes (Aliens)
24 Hours in Bumholes (A & E)
Loose Bumholes (Women)
Bumhole of The Day (Match)
Bumholes Behind Closed Doors (G.Ps)
Silent bumhole (witness)
Death in bumhole (paradise)
Never mind the bumhole (buzzcocks)
A question of bumhole (sport)
Have I got bumhole for you (news)
Prime Ministers Bumhole Time (Question)
The Queens Bumhole (Nose)