Revitalized sex life with wife. Dildos. Squirting. Cumming!

My wife and I have been married 20 years. Our sex life was ok, but with 5 kids (oldest 16) things were ho hum.

The last few weeks we just started talking sex. Not sure why. Then, we ended up playing around with another couple. That was very fun, and nothing we would ever have thought of doing.

My wife has a vibrator. But that’s it. She was raised very conservative, so doesn’t masturbate frequently. She told me she’s done it a few times while I travel for work, but prefers the real thing.

On a whim, I decided to ride this new “wave” and ordered her a dildo. It was WAY bigger than I thought it would be (leave it up to a man to buy a dildo for his wife.) At any rate, I showed it to her last night. I was expecting her to shut me down right away. I was prepared to throw it in the trash

To my surprise, when we went bed we messed around. She asked me to get the dildo out of the drawer. I asked her if I should get the lube. She said yes. I wasn’t about to force it in, so I got her nice and warmed up, put lube on it, and gave it to her to insert. She did just that and let out a moan. I asked her if I could move it in and out. She said yes.

My wife, historically, has never been a fan of oral. Giving or receiving. Again, I think it was her upbringing. While I was banging her with the dildo, I asked her if I could go down on her. I was expecting her to say no. Instead, she said “yes, please do!”

I kept banging her with it and licked her to orgasm. She came harder last night than I’ve ever seen her come. She even squirted. I was blown away. After that, she let me penetrate her, and then when I was ready to come, she told be to come on her chest. She has NEVER said that. She then rubbed it all over, and even tasted some. Again, she has never done that. All of this was completely sober sex.

I just feel like I wanted to share this story. I see so many men on posts feeling “jealous” that their wife’s/SO like a big dildo. I can say, this has changed our lives. I’m so happy that she felt so amazing. Watching her body move and come based on what I was doing was amazing. This new found sex talk, and introduction of the dildo is such a blessing!


That sounds amazing @Wisco and I hope things continue for you both. Has something changed to make her like this? Good luck it sounds like you and her are both in for lots of fun. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yes, something has changed. We’re in our 40’s. We had a talk a few weeks ago that we are not getting any younger, we are sexual beings, and we only have one life. That is what encouraged us to get friendly with another couple.

We gave each other permanent hall passes for this one couple only, and agreed we would tell the other if we did stuff not as a group. We are super sound in our marriages, and I have no concerns.

Neither she nor I are the jealous type. She loves me and I love her. If she wants to have sex with him, I’m ok with that, because I know she wants to have sex with me too.

I’ve always been more sexual and more adventurous. I think it took my wife 42 years to come out of her shell, and I’m so glad she did. I can only see things getting better from here!!


Sounds like she was extra horny and had a build up of sexual wanting!!


She was. It was fantastic. I’ve been on cloud nine all day today!


Congratulations. It sounds like you’ve both had an epiphany. Keep it going. You never know where you’ll end up.


Welcome to your 40s…


That is so inspirational @Wisco I am so pleased for you both and it all looks good going forward. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


:joy: so true !!!

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That’s exactly what we said this morning! We don’t know why it took us over 20 years to come out of shell and have a little different fun.

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Sounds like an amazing experience! We also found that when we first introduced toys that it opened up barriers allowing a very exciting phase of exploreing deeper pleasure. Hopefully the beginning of a new sexual chapter for you both :fire:


We’re just the same but it took is over 40 years to get our acts together. We should have talked openly decades ago.


Woohoo! That’s lovely news to hear and I bet she was feeling equally up on the clouds

Let’s hope the next 8 years goes quick for us then :joy: joking of course. That sounds great and glad you’ve unlocked a new level


Fantastic mate!

Way to go @Wisco and pun very much intended, could be the start of something big.

Sounds like you might want to discuss, now the ice has been broken, what other things might be on the horizon and areas you’d both equally like to explore.

Wish you all the best, happy loving and keep us informed :heart_hands:

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if i may ask how did the situation with the other couple come about as that’s something id like to try with my misses but dont know how to initiate it and how did it affect your relationship after ?

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That sounds absolutely amazing, I am pleased for both of you that you were able to enjoy such a fun, new experience for you both.
Hopefully a sign of new and exciting sessions for you both, moving forward.

Well done